<DIV>Thanks a lot for reply,</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>I am sorry but I am highly confused here.</DIV>
<DIV><BR>In the Makefile, we have separate section for lli and jit ( lli pasted below).</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>Also, which value I am supposed to take if I am simple wanting to run my pass over the benckmark( as you can see in the test pasted below) and then simply get execution time of its bytecode and native code.</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>The report which we get has :<BR>Total Execution Time in beginning, then JIT, CBE and LLC times.</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>This excerpt shows lli section and my changes.In this makefile I am trying to run my pass over the bytecode, convert the bytcode into native code such that I get the execution times for the native code.</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>$(PROGRAMS_TO_TEST:%=Output/%.out-lli): \<BR>Output/%.out-lli: Output/%.llvm.bc $(LLI) <BR> @echo "\nTanu Tanu Tanu\n"<BR> -pwd<BR> mv Output/$*.llvm.bc Output/$*.temp.llvm.bc<BR> -opt -load /home/tsharma/llvm-cvs/llvm/Debug/lib/LLVMHello.so -hello <Output/$*.temp.llvm.bc> Output/$*.llvm.tanu.bc<BR> llc -f Output/$*.llvm.tanu.bc -o Output/$*.llvm.tanu.s<BR> gcc -lm Output/$*.llvm.tanu.s -o Output/$*.llvm.tanu.native<BR> chmod a+x Output/$*.llvm.tanu.native<BR> @echo "\nJay Jay Jay\n"<BR> $(SPEC_SANDBOX) lli-$(RUN_TYPE) $@ $(REF_IN_DIR) \<BR> $(RUNSAFELY) $(STDIN_FILENAME) $(STDOUT_FILENAME) \<BR> ../$*.llvm.tanu.native $(RUN_OPTIONS)<BR> -(cd Output/lli-$(RUN_TYPE); cat $(LOCAL_OUTPUTS)) > $@<BR> -cp
Output/lli-$(RUN_TYPE)/$(STDOUT_FILENAME).time <A href="mailto:$@.time">$@.time</A><BR>-----------------------------------------------------------------------<BR>JIT SECTION: WE have similar one for jit as:</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>$(PROGRAMS_TO_TEST:%=Output/%.out-jit): \<BR>Output/%.out-jit: Output/%.llvm.bc $(LLI)<BR>.....................<BR>...............<BR>.................<BR> -cp Output/jit-$(RUN_TYPE)/$(STDOUT_FILENAME).time <A href="mailto:$@.time">$@.time</A><BR>-------------------------------------------------------------------------------</DIV>
<DIV>I have been trying a lot of times and completely confused about which value i should consider.Please help here.</DIV></DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>On Sun, 4 Sep 2005, Tanu Sharma wrote:</DIV>
<DIV>><BR>> I have a doubt.<BR>><BR>> This is an excerpt of the raw report I get after running Spec <BR>benchmarks <BR>> through llvm-test.I am trying to calculate the program execution <BR>> time.Does the output result in bold corresponds to "lli time" in <BR>> Makefile.spec ? I am not interested in llc, jit or cbe.I simply need <BR>the <BR>> normal bytecode and native code execution times after running my pass <BR>> over them.I have modified the Makefile for the same.</DIV>
<DIV>Which test are you using? I can't see bold (text only mailer), but the <BR>JIT time is the 'lli time'. If you don't care about LLC or CBE, you <BR>can <BR>pass "DISABLE_LLC=1 DISABLE_CBE=1" on the command line to disable them.</DIV>
<DIV>You should also be able to use reports to pull these raw files together <BR>into a table, as such, something like this might work for you:</DIV>
<DIV> make TEST=nightly report DISABLE_LLC=1 DISABLE_CBE=1</DIV>
<DIV>You can also use the 'report.csv', 'report.html', or 'report.tex' <BR>targets <BR>if you're interested in importing the table into other tools.</DIV>
<DIV>-Chris<BR></DIV><p>__________________________________________________<br>Do You Yahoo!?<br>Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around <br>http://mail.yahoo.com