[llvm-dev] What journals would you recommend for publishing C++ related papers?

ardi via llvm-dev llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org
Sat Mar 7 02:49:47 PST 2020


This is a bit off-topic, but a number of LLVM developers either belong
to academic institutions or are related in some way to them, so I
think you can give me some advice on this. I'm looking for journals
for publishing C++ related papers. My papers would contain
implementation details that I believe would call for choosing a
journal with a pragmatic focus rather than other journals with the
focus on strong theoretical topics whose papers don't usually get into
implementation details.

I found that "ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems"
looked like a fine candidate, both because of the type of papers they
publish and because it's by the ACM, but then, looking at the rankings
I saw it went down from Q1 to Q3 in 2017 and 2018 (see:

Is there any other journal you would recommend?

Thank you for any suggestions!


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