[llvm-dev] Ninja hangs when I try to build

Paul C. Anagnostopoulos via llvm-dev llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org
Tue Dec 8 15:40:31 PST 2020

The 32-bit linker runs out of heap and something (Ninja?) switches to the 64-bit linker.

I'm not sure what you mean by building multiple configurations at once. I'm new here. ;-) I am using Ninja to do the build, which builds just one configuration, I assume.

I deleted all the PDB files and the build finished. I need to do some more research.

At 12/8/2020 05:13 PM, Adrian McCarthy wrote:
>Sorry, I'm not familiar with "the usual message about switching from the 32-bit to the 64-bit linker."Â  Can you elaborate?
>> Is there an easy way to turn off PDB creation?
>Probably, but I don't know it offhand.  The MS linker is going to produce a PDB by default if /DEBUG is specified, and it's pretty common to generate them for "release" builds as well.
>My guess is that you're building multiple configurations at once, and different configurations (e.g., 32- and 64-bit, or debug and release) are trying to write their own PDBs to the same file name.  I generally only build one configuration at a time, and I use ninja (even with MSVC) rather than the Visual Studio solution.  Off the top of my head, exactly where the Cmake-generated build configurations try to place the PDBs.

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