[llvm-dev] Scalable Vector Types in IR - Next Steps?

Sebastian Pop via llvm-dev llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org
Wed Mar 27 14:33:42 PDT 2019

I am of the opinion that handling scalable vectors (SV)
as builtins and an opaque SV type is a good option:

1. The implementation of SV with builtins is simpler than changing the IR.

2. Most of the transforms in opt are scalar opts; they do not optimize
vector operations and will not deal with SV either.

3. With builtins there are fewer places to pay attention to,
as most of the compiler is already dealing with builtins in
a neutral way.

4. The builtin approach is more targeted and confined: it allows
to amend one optimizer at a time.
In the alternative of changing the IR, one has to touch all the
passes in the initial implementation.

5. Optimizing code written with SV intrinsic calls can be done
with about the same implementation effort in both cases
(builtins and changing the IR.)  I do not believe that changing
the IR to add SV types makes any optimizer work magically out
of a sudden: no free lunch. In both cases we need to amend
all the passes that remove inefficiencies in code written with
SV intrinsic calls.

6. We will need a new SV auto-vectorizer pass that relies less on
if-conversion, runtime disambiguation, and unroll for the prolog/epilog,
as the HW is helping with all these cases and expands the number
of loops that can be vectorized.
Having native SV types or just plain builtins is equivalent here
as the code generator of the vectorizer can be improved to not
generate inefficient code.

7. This is my point of view, I may be wrong,
so don't let me slow you down in getting it done!


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