[llvm-dev] [RFC] Stop giving a default CPU to the LTO plugin?

Peter Smith via llvm-dev llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org
Thu Mar 15 09:43:55 PDT 2018

Hello everyone, this is most likely Arm specific, but could affect
other targets where there is a somewhat complex relationship between
the triple and mcpu option.

At present when clang is used as a linker driver for the gold-plugin
and when using and an explicit -mcpu is not given to clang, then clang
will always generate a -Wl,-plugin-opt=mcpu=<default CPU> where the
default CPU is based on the triple.

I think that this is causing more problems than it is worth and I'd
like clang to not pass -Wl,-plugin-opt=mcpu=<CPU> unless the
-mcpu=<CPU> is explicitly on the clang command line.

I'd like to know if I'm missing something important, and if there
would be any support for a patch to not pass an implicit mcpu via
plugin? There may also be a way of handling an inappropriate
cpu/triple combination more gracefully.

The full story of a problem with the Arm target is available at
https://bugs.llvm.org/show_bug.cgi?id=36542 . A short description of
the problem is:
- Source files are compiled with -mthumb
--target=arm-linux-androideabi -mcpu=cortex-a7,
this records a triple of thumbv7a-linux-androideabi in the bitcode file.
- The command line for the link step only passes --target=
- The default cpu passed to LTO for a triple arm-linux-androideabi is
the very old arm7tdmi.
- When the ARMAsmBackend is created from the combination of triple
thumbv7a-linux-androideabi and cpu arm7tdmi the resultant target
features only include Thumb1. Amongst other things this prevents MC
from widening branch instructions to the Thumb2 wide branch.
- Code generation prior to MC seems to prefer the attributes in the
bitcode file (triple thumbv7a-linux-androideabi -mcpu=generic), this
selects a narrow branch instruction for a tail call with the
expectation it will be widened by MC. End result is a relocation out
of range error.

In summary the combination of -mcpu=arm7tdmi and a triple from the
bitcode file of thumbv7a-linux-androideabi does not make sense, but
when passed to LTO seems to:
- Escape all the existing warnings about nonsensical triples [*].
- On Arm targets at least; having a final link step without a cpu is
likely to be quite common so I don't think that this will be a corner
- The Build Attributes of the output ELF file get the triple ARMv4t
from -mcpu=arm7tdmi which is lying to the linker as the file contains
ARMv7a instructions.

My personal preference is that we shouldn't pass an implicit CPU
derived from the triple, at least for Arm targets. If that isn't
possible I think that we should make sure we detect inappropriate
cpu/triple combinations and either warn or error. Does anyone have any
strong opinions on which way to go? I'm happy to work on a patch to
improve this.

I know that this can be worked around by explicitly passing a cpu or
more specific triple to the link line, however this is often not done
in existing builds.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions


[*] If the bitcode files don't have a .o suffix a CodeGenAction is
performed on the bitcode files giving the warning: warning: overriding
the module target triple with armv4t--linux-androideabi

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