[llvm-dev] always allow canonicalizing to 8- and 16-bit ops?

Sanjay Patel via llvm-dev llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org
Wed Jan 17 14:50:38 PST 2018

define i8 @narrow_add(i8 %x, i8 %y) {
  %x32 = zext i8 %x to i32
  %y32 = zext i8 %y to i32
  %add = add nsw i32 %x32, %y32
  %tr = trunc i32 %add to i8
  ret i8 %tr

With no data-layout or with an x86 target where 8-bit integer is in the
data-layout, we reduce to:

$ ./opt -instcombine narrowadd.ll -S
define i8 @narrow_add(i8 %x, i8 %y) {
  %add = add i8 %x, %y
  ret i8 %add

But on a target that has 32-bit registers without explicit subregister ops,
we don't do that transform because we avoid changing operations from a
legal (as specified in the data-layout) width to an illegal width - see

Should we make an exception to allow narrowing for the common cases of i8
and i16?

In the motivating example from PR35875 (
https://bugs.llvm.org/show_bug.cgi?id=35875 ), an ARM target is stuck at 19
IR instructions:

declare void @use4(i8, i8, i8, i8)
define void @min_of_3_vals(i8 %x, i8 %y, i8 %z) {
  %nx = xor i8 %x, -1
  %ny = xor i8 %y, -1
  %nz = xor i8 %z, -1
  %zx = zext i8 %nx to i32
  %zy = zext i8 %ny to i32
  %zz = zext i8 %nz to i32

  %cmpxz = icmp ult i32 %zx, %zz
  %minxz = select i1 %cmpxz, i32 %zx, i32 %zz
  %cmpyz = icmp ult i32 %zy, %zz
  %minyz = select i1 %cmpyz, i32 %zy, i32 %zz
  %cmpyx = icmp ult i8 %y, %x
  %minxyz = select i1 %cmpyx, i32 %minxz, i32 %minyz
  %tr_minxyz = trunc i32 %minxyz to i8

  %new_zx = sub nsw i32 %zx, %minxyz
  %new_zy = sub nsw i32 %zy, %minxyz
  %new_zz = sub nsw i32 %zz, %minxyz
  %new_x = trunc i32 %new_zx to i8
  %new_y = trunc i32 %new_zy to i8
  %new_z = trunc i32 %new_zz to i8

  call void @use4(i8 %tr_minxyz, i8 %new_x, i8 %new_y, i8 %new_z)
  ret void

...but x86 gets to shrink the subs which leads to a bunch of other
transforms, and we grind this down to 10 instructions between instcombine
and early-cse:

define void @min_of_3_vals(i8 %x, i8 %y, i8 %z) {
  %nx = xor i8 %x, -1
  %ny = xor i8 %y, -1
  %nz = xor i8 %z, -1
  %cmpxz = icmp ult i8 %nx, %nz
  %minxz = select i1 %cmpxz, i8 %nx, i8 %nz
  %1 = icmp ult i8 %minxz, %ny
  %minxyz = select i1 %1, i8 %minxz, i8 %ny
  %new_x = sub i8 %nx, %minxyz
  %new_y = sub i8 %ny, %minxyz
  %new_z = sub i8 %nz, %minxyz

  call void @use4(i8 %minxyz, i8 %new_x, i8 %new_y, i8 %new_z)
  ret void
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