[llvm-dev] invalid code generated on Windows x86_64 using skylake-specific features

Andrew Kelley via llvm-dev llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org
Mon Oct 2 21:14:21 PDT 2017

I figured it out. I was using this implementation of __chkstk from

        push   %rcx
        cmp    $0x1000,%rax
        lea    16(%rsp),%rcx     // rsp before calling this routine -> rcx
        jb     1f
        sub    $0x1000,%rcx
        test   %rcx,(%rcx)
        sub    $0x1000,%rax
        cmp    $0x1000,%rax
        ja     2b
        sub    %rax,%rcx
        test   %rcx,(%rcx)

        lea    8(%rsp),%rax     // load pointer to the return address into
        mov    %rcx,%rsp        // install the new top of stack pointer
into rsp
        mov    -8(%rax),%rcx    // restore rcx
        push   (%rax)           // push return address onto the stack
        sub    %rsp,%rax        // restore the original value in rax


When I replaced it with a simple `ret`, everything worked.

The disassembled ntdll implementation is:

1800a9f60:  48 83 ec 10     subq    $16, %rsp
1800a9f64:  4c 89 14 24     movq    %r10, (%rsp)
1800a9f68:  4c 89 5c 24 08  movq    %r11, 8(%rsp)
1800a9f6d:  4d 33 db    xorq    %r11, %r11
1800a9f70:  4c 8d 54 24 18  leaq    24(%rsp), %r10
1800a9f75:  4c 2b d0    subq    %rax, %r10
1800a9f78:  4d 0f 42 d3     cmovbq  %r11, %r10
1800a9f7c:  65 4c 8b 1c 25 10 00 00 00  movq    %gs:16, %r11
1800a9f85:  4d 3b d3    cmpq    %r11, %r10
1800a9f88:  73 15   jae 21 <__chkstk+0x3F>
1800a9f8a:  66 41 81 e2 00 f0   andw    $61440, %r10w
1800a9f90:  4d 8d 9b 00 f0 ff ff    leaq    -4096(%r11), %r11
1800a9f97:  45 84 1b    testb   (%r11), %r11b
1800a9f9a:  4d 3b d3    cmpq    %r11, %r10
1800a9f9d:  75 f1   jne -15 <__chkstk+0x30>
1800a9f9f:  4c 8b 14 24     movq    (%rsp), %r10
1800a9fa3:  4c 8b 5c 24 08  movq    8(%rsp), %r11
1800a9fa8:  48 83 c4 10     addq    $16, %rsp

On Mon, Oct 2, 2017 at 1:37 PM, Reid Kleckner <rnk at google.com> wrote:

> Can you post test.obj somewhere, and maybe the LLVM IR if you can get it?
> If it really was reading address 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, then RBP must have
> been completely corrupted, probably by the prologue.
> On Sat, Sep 30, 2017 at 6:27 PM, Andrew Kelley via llvm-dev <
> llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org> wrote:
>> I suspect that there are 2 issues here:
>>  * I have incorrect alignment somewhere
>>  * MSVC / .pdb / CodeView debugging is not working correctly.
>> I think the latter would help solve the former.
>> I will send out a new email later talking about the issues I'm having
>> debugging llvm-generated binaries with MSVC.
>> On Sat, Sep 30, 2017 at 3:33 PM, Andrew Kelley <superjoe30 at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> I have this code, which works fine on MacOS and Linux hosts:
>>>     const char *target_specific_cpu_args;
>>>     const char *target_specific_features;
>>>     if (g->is_native_target) {
>>>         target_specific_cpu_args = ZigLLVMGetHostCPUName();
>>>         target_specific_features = ZigLLVMGetNativeFeatures();
>>>     } else {
>>>         target_specific_cpu_args = "";
>>>         target_specific_features = "";
>>>     }
>>>     g->target_machine = LLVMCreateTargetMachine(target_ref,
>>> buf_ptr(&g->triple_str),
>>>             target_specific_cpu_args, target_specific_features,
>>> opt_level, reloc_mode, LLVMCodeModelDefault);
>>> char *ZigLLVMGetHostCPUName(void) {
>>>     std::string str = sys::getHostCPUName();
>>>     return strdup(str.c_str());
>>> }
>>> char *ZigLLVMGetNativeFeatures(void) {
>>>     SubtargetFeatures features;
>>>     StringMap<bool> host_features;
>>>     if (sys::getHostCPUFeatures(host_features)) {
>>>         for (auto &F : host_features)
>>>             features.AddFeature(F.first(), F.second);
>>>     }
>>>     return strdup(features.getString().c_str());
>>> }
>>> On this windows laptop that I am testing on, I get these values:
>>> target_specific_cpu_args: skylake
>>> target_specific_features: +sse2,+cx16,-tbm,-avx512ifma,-
>>> avx512dq,-fma4,+prfchw,+bmi2,+xsavec,+fsgsbase,+popcnt,+aes,
>>> +xsaves,-avx512er,-avx512vpopcntdq,-clwb,-avx512f,-clzero,-p
>>> ku,+mmx,-lwp,-xop,+rdseed,-sse4a,-avx512bw,+clflushopt,+xsav
>>> e,-avx512vl,-avx512cd,+avx,-rtm,+fma,+bmi,+rdrnd,-mwaitx,+
>>> sse4.1,+sse4.2,+avx2,+sse,+lzcnt,+pclmul,-prefetchwt1,+
>>> f16c,+ssse3,+sgx,+cmov,-avx512vbmi,+movbe,+xsaveopt,-
>>> sha,+adx,-avx512pf,+sse3
>>> It successfully creates a binary, but the binary when run crashes with:
>>> Unhandled exception at 0x00007FF7C9913BA7 in test.exe: 0xC0000005:
>>> Access violation reading location 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.
>>> The disassembly of the crashed instruction is:
>>> 00007FF7C9913BA7  vmovdqa     xmmword ptr [rbp-20h],xmm0
>>> There is no callstack or source in the MSVC debugger. The .pdb produced
>>> is 64KB exactly. The file was linked with:
>>> lld -NOLOGO -DEBUG -MACHINE:X64 /SUBSYSTEM:console -OUT:.\test.exe
>>> -NODEFAULTLIB -ENTRY:_start ./zig-cache/test.obj ./zig-cache/builtin.obj
>>> ./zig-cache/compiler_rt.obj ./zig-cache/kernel32.lib
>>> When I change the call to LLVMCreateTargetMachine so that both
>>> target_specific_cpu_args  and target_specific_features  are the empty
>>> string, the produced binary is valid and runs successfully.
>>> Is this an LLVM bug? Am I using the API incorrectly? Is there more
>>> information I can provide to LLVM-dev mailing list that would make it
>>> easier to help me?
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