[llvm-dev] Incompatible type assertion from llvm-tblgen

Phil Tomson via llvm-dev llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org
Mon Oct 3 17:16:52 PDT 2016

On Wed, Sep 28, 2016 at 12:54 PM, Krzysztof Parzyszek <
kparzysz at codeaurora.org> wrote:

> On 9/28/2016 2:44 PM, Phil Tomson wrote:
>> And map it to a load.idx instruction with the following semantics:
>> load.idx r1,r2,r3,SIZE        r1 <- mem[r2 + (r3 << sizeof(operand))]
>> That somehow the pattern matching dag fragment would need to be
>> something like I had in ADDR_SHLI definition:
>>   def ADDR_SHLI : Addr< 2, "SelectAddrShlImm",
>>                       (ops GPRC:$base, ( shl GPRC:$offsetreg, (i64 3))) >;
>> Now If I have to create a subclass of Operand and define it's
>> EncoderMethod in C++, does that mean the pattern matching (matching the
>> shift left and add) now happens on the C++ side as well?
> Actually the EncoderMethod is probably not needed for this case. I thought
> you had a scaled immediate that needs to be shifted during encoding.
> Regarding pattern matching in the C++ code---yes, that's what
> ComplexPattern implies. The function whose name you provide will be used to
> match the DAG and generate the output.
> The instruction definition would have 3 inputs: register, register and
> immediate:
> def ADDR_SHLI: Addr<3, "SelectAddrShlImm",
>     (ops GPRC:$base, GPRC:$offsetreg, i64imm:$shift)>;
> The matching function would then need to match DAG and generate these 3
> values if the match succeeded.

What I'm finding is that the matching function for 3 arguments (the
SelectAddrShlImm) is never tried for this particular case. This one is

   def ADDR_RR : Addr< 2, "SelectAddrRegReg",
                      (ops GPRC:$base, GPRC:$offsetreg) >;

I've added some debugging statements to show some of the output from llc
with -debug below:

          0x2385bb0: i64,ch = load 0x2356e90, 0x2388b60,
0x2385880<LD8[getelementptr ([0 x i64] addrspace(2)* @SpM_use_row, i64 0,
i64 undef)(addrspace=2)](tbaa=<0x2335188>)> [ORD=2] [ID=12]

          0x2385990: i64 = Constant<3> [ID=2]

        0x2385dd0: i64 = shl 0x2385bb0, 0x2385990 [ORD=3] [ID=13]

      0x2385ee0: i64 = add 0x2386650, 0x2385dd0 [ORD=3] [ID=14]

      0x2385880: <multiple use>
    *0x2386540*: i32,ch = load 0x2356e90, 0x2385ee0,
0x2385880<LD4[%arrayidx16(addrspace=4)](align=8)(tbaa=<0x2335188>)> [ORD=4]

  0x2386320: ch,glue = CopyToReg 0x2356e90, 0x2386210, 0x2386540 [ORD=6]

    0x2386210: <multiple use>
    0x2386320: <multiple use>
    0x2386320: <multiple use>
  0x2386430: ch = RET 0x2386210, 0x2386320, 0x2386320:1 [ORD=6]

SelectAddrRegReg called: *0x2386540:* i32,ch = load 0x2356e90, 0x2385ee0,
0x2385880<LD4[%arrayidx16(addrspace=4)](align=8)(tbaa=<0x2335188>)> [ORD=4]

SelectAddrRegRegCommon called:
  Morphed node: 0x2386540: i32,ch = LOADI32_RR 0x2386650, 0x2385dd0,

ISEL: Match complete!

If I set a breakpoint in SelectAddrRegRegCommon I can see that this is true:

gdb> p Addr.getOperand(1).Node->getOpcode() == ISD::SHL)

So I've added that as a case to check for there, here's the function:

XSTGDAGToDAGISel::SelectAddrRegRegCommon( SDValue Addr,
                                          SDValue &Base,
                                          SDValue &Offset ) {
  // If add operation, we can optimize.
  DEBUG(errs() << "SelectAddrRegRegCommon called: \n");
  if (Addr.getOpcode() == ISD::ADD) {
    if (Addr.getOperand(0).getOpcode() == ISD::TargetJumpTable) {`
      Base   = Addr.getOperand(0);
      Offset = Addr.getOperand(1);

      return true;

    if (Addr.getOperand(1).getOpcode() == ISD::TargetJumpTable) {
      Base   = Addr.getOperand(1);
      Offset = Addr.getOperand(0);

      return true;

    // operand 1 can't be a constant.
    if (dyn_cast<ConstantSDNode>(Addr.getOperand(1))) {
      return false;

    //possibly a load.idx
    if(Addr.getOperand(1).Node->getOpcode() == ISD::SHL) {
       // Not sure what should go here?

    // set address and offset.
    Base   = Addr.getOperand(0);
    Offset = Addr.getOperand(1);

    return true;
  return false;
} //end SelectAddrRegRegCommon

As the comment says, I'm not sure what code should go into the case where
it's possibly a load.idx - Base and Offset are SDValues not SDNodes so I
don't see how I could modify the DAG here to eliminate the shl - any ideas?


> -Krzysztof
> --
> Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. is a member of Code Aurora Forum, hosted
> by The Linux Foundation
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