[llvm-dev] Memory Store/Load Optimization Issue (Emulating stack)

Paul Peet via llvm-dev llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org
Sat Feb 13 08:39:31 PST 2016

Hi Daniel,

2016-02-12 18:55 GMT+01:00 Daniel Berlin <dberlin at dberlin.org>:

> Hey Paul,
> On Fri, Feb 12, 2016 at 3:21 AM, Paul Peet <paulpeet17 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi again,
>> So I finally gave up on trying to get through the converting (x86' push
>> pop mov add) because it deals a lot with crazy pointer arithmetics and
>> sonce inttoptr and ptrtoint doesn't provide any alias analysis information.
>> Daniel, you said it doesn't make much sense to provide it but in my cases
>> it is actually very much needed, you didn't say it wasn't possible to
>> provide it but it is possible right?
> Not in the general case, no.
> (pardon the pseudocode)
> void  foo(struct foo *a)
> {
> c = ptrtoint (a)
> c += 10
> newptr = inttoptr(c)
> }
> Where does newptr point?  Somewhere in a? To a field?
> Well, you could try to do the analysis and do the math, but the amount of
> calculation you are going to try to statically evaluate is unbounded (and
> you can't statically evaluate all of it).
> If you want to play this game, you need a good range analysis.
> A friend of mine published a good paper on this that will appear in CGO
> 2016:
> http://homepages.dcc.ufmg.br/~fernando/publications/papers/CGO16_paisante.pdf

First of all thank you for that paper, I quickly skimmed the paper and
well, I wasn't sure if it's "the" approach to deal with the issues I have
because it's about estimating bounds for memory access and I have no idea
how this would help. Or it's just me not actually understanding the alias
I don't quite understand why I need bounds for the kind of optimization I

Because when translating x86 mov/push/pop/add instruction to similar LLVM
IR (preserving the semantics) you **need** pointer arithmetics and there
are no "bounds" (In terms of preserving the semantics that if an invalid
memory would occur).

Let me actually show you an example, how I would imagine an optimization
for doing these kinds of things:

Let's say we have these x86 instructions:

push ecx
push ecx
xchg esp, ecx
mov [ecx + 4], ebx
mov [ecx], eax
xchg esp, ecx
pop ebx
pop eax

My translator would emit something like this:

define { i32, i32, i32, i32 } @Unit01(i32 %eax, i32 %ebx, i32 %ecx, i32
%esp) {
  ; push ecx
  %esp_1 = sub i32 %esp, 4
  %esp_ptr1 = inttoptr i32 %esp_1 to i32*
  store i32 %ecx, i32* %esp_ptr1, align 4

  ; push ecx
  %esp_2 = sub i32 %esp_1, 4
  %esp_ptr2 = inttoptr i32 %esp_2 to i32*
  store i32 %ecx, i32* %esp_ptr2, align 4

  ; xchg ecx, esp - This should be eliminated as it is tracked by the
  ;                 Translator
  %esp_3 = bitcast i32 %ecx to i32
  %ecx_1 = bitcast i32 %esp_2 to i32

  ; mov [ecx + 4], ebx
  %mov_tmp1 = add i32 %ecx_1, 4
  %mov_ptr1 = inttoptr i32 %mov_tmp1 to i32*
  store i32 %ebx, i32* %mov_ptr1, align 4

  ; mov [ecx], eax
  %mov_ptr2 = inttoptr i32 %ecx_1 to i32*
  store i32 %eax, i32* %mov_ptr2, align 4

  %esp_4 = bitcast i32 %ecx_1 to i32
  %ecx_2 = bitcast i32 %esp_3 to i32

  ; pop ebx
  %pop_ptr1 = inttoptr i32 %esp_4 to i32*
  %ebx_1 = load i32, i32* %pop_ptr1, align 4
  %esp_5 = add i32 esp_4, 4

  ; pop eax
  %pop_ptr2 = inttoptr i32 %esp_5 to i32*
  %eax_1 = load i32, i32* %pop_ptr2, align 4
  %esp_6 = add i32 esp_5, 4

  ; Construct return object containing register values
  ; %eax_1, %ebx_1, %, %ecx_2, %esp_6

I could change the types (reg i32 types) to i8* so I could convert every
arithmetic operation to geps but I wouldn't be able to do other operations
rather than add/sub.

I could only give esp and ebp, i8* types so I can still do arithmetic on
other registers but that would be limited because what if I use xchg and
swap eax and esp? (I kinda would still need inttoptr/ptrtoint).

So there is only one option left, using i32 for every register.

My idea is to build symbolic expression for every store/load and treat
inttoptr/ptrtoint as noop instruction as if they were arithmetic
expression. These expressions would be store in a set. Then these
expressions can be simplified (eg. constant propagation) and then finally
compared when store/loads occur. If a store and load points to the same
symbolic expression, then they would point to the same memory location.

Example (for the llvm ir above):

; push eax
(1) Mem( ptr( (%esp - 4), i32) ) = %eax

; push eax
Mem( ptr( ((%esp - 4) - 4), i32) ) = %eax
=> ; Optimization
(2) Mem( ptr((%esp - 8), i32) ) = %eax

; mov [ecx + 4], ebx
Mem( ptr( (((%esp - 4) - 4) + 4), i32) ) = %ebx
=> ; Optimization
(3) Mem( ptr( (%esp - 4), i32) ) = %ebx

; mov [ecx], eax
Mem( ptr( ((%esp - 4) - 4), i32) ) = %ebx
=> ; Optimization
(4) Mem( ptr( (%esp - 8), i32) ) = %eax

; pop ebx
%ebx_1 = Mem( ptr( ((%esp - 4) - 4), i32 ) )
=> ; Optimization
(5) %ebx_1 = Mem( ptr( (%esp - 8), i32 ) )

; pop eax
%eax_1 = Mem( ptr( (((%esp - 4) - 4) + 4), i32 ) )
=> ; Optimization
(6) %eax_1 = Mem( ptr( (%esp - 4), i32 ) )

(5) LHS can be replaced with %eax because (5) and (4) have the same
symbolic expression. The same for (3) and (6).

This is a very trivial approach and has a lots of flaws but to go back to
the issue you mentioned.
I am not sure how I should understand the bounds?

You could try to do something like that to calculate the bounds of newptr
> and use that in alias analysis.
> void  foo(struct foo *a)
> {
> newptr = gep (a, 10)
> }
> Here, where newptr goes is very well defined.  If it was outside the
> object, it's undefined, if it's inside the object, we have a type from the
> gep, and we can tell which field it's accessing.
> Could you guide me through where I should look to implement such analysis?
>> Would it be complex/non-trivial to implement such thing?
> I honestly don't have a ton of time to help with this.  I would look at
> things like CFL-AA and SCEV-AA, and the AA interface in general. You are
> going to have to implement the AAResult interface and provide results that
> way.
> But overall, i wouldn't do this.
> It's complex and non-trivial in all but the absolute most basic cases.
>> 2016-02-10 21:24 GMT+01:00 Daniel Berlin <dberlin at dberlin.org>:
>>> On Wed, Feb 10, 2016 at 12:18 PM, Paul Peet via llvm-dev <
>>> llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org> wrote:
>>>> Thank you for the hint.
>>>> I adjusted the code and it works:
>>>> The code after replacing inttoptr with getelementptr:
>>>> define { i32, i32, i8* } @test(i32 %foo, i32 %bar, i8* %sp) {
>>>> entry:
>>>>   ; push foo (On "stack")
>>>>   %sp_1 = getelementptr i8, i8* %sp, i32 -4
>>>>   %sp_1_ptr = bitcast i8* %sp_1 to i32*
>>>>   store i32 %foo, i32* %sp_1_ptr, align 4
>>>>   ; push bar
>>>>   %sp_2 = getelementptr i8, i8* %sp_1, i32 -4
>>>>   %sp_2_ptr = bitcast i8* %sp_2 to i32*
>>>>   store i32 %bar, i32* %sp_2_ptr, align 4
>>>>   ; val1 = pop (val1 = bar)
>>>>   %sp_3_ptr = bitcast i8* %sp_2 to i32*
>>>>   %val1 = load i32, i32* %sp_3_ptr, align 4
>>>>   %sp_3 = getelementptr i8, i8* %sp_2, i32 4
>>>>   ; val2 = pop (val2 = foo)
>>>>   %sp_4_ptr = bitcast i8* %sp_3 to i32*
>>>>   %val2 = load i32, i32* %sp_4_ptr, align 4
>>>>   %sp_4 = getelementptr i8, i8* %sp_3, i32 4
>>>>   %ret_1 = insertvalue { i32, i32, i8* } undef, i32 %val1, 0
>>>>   %ret_2 = insertvalue { i32, i32, i8* } %ret_1, i32 %val2, 1
>>>>   %ret_3 = insertvalue { i32, i32, i8* } %ret_2, i8* %sp_4, 2
>>>>   ret { i32, i32, i8* } %ret_3
>>>> }
>>>> After optimization ("opt -instcombine ./code.ll -S")
>>>> define { i32, i32, i8* } @test(i32 %foo, i32 %bar, i8* %sp) {
>>>> entry:
>>>>   %sp_1 = getelementptr i8, i8* %sp, i64 -4
>>>>   %sp_1_ptr = bitcast i8* %sp_1 to i32*
>>>>   store i32 %foo, i32* %sp_1_ptr, align 4
>>>>   %sp_2 = getelementptr i8, i8* %sp, i64 -8
>>>>   %sp_2_ptr = bitcast i8* %sp_2 to i32*
>>>>   store i32 %bar, i32* %sp_2_ptr, align 4
>>>>   %ret_1 = insertvalue { i32, i32, i8* } undef, i32 %bar, 0
>>>>   %ret_2 = insertvalue { i32, i32, i8* } %ret_1, i32 %foo, 1
>>>>   %ret_3 = insertvalue { i32, i32, i8* } %ret_2, i8* %sp, 2
>>>>   ret { i32, i32, i8* } %ret_3
>>>> }
>>>> My only questions are now:
>>>> - How is it that inttoptr cannot provide that specific alias
>>>> information so it can optimize that store/load away ?
>>> Because nothing tracks what happens to the ints, and what happens when
>>> they are converted back to pointers and whether it's sane :)
>>> http://llvm.org/docs/GetElementPtr.html#how-is-gep-different-from-ptrtoint-arithmetic-and-inttoptr
>>> - Might it be possible to get inttoptr providing such alias analysis ?
>>> It doesn't make a lot of sense to try in most cases.
>>> Most of the cases ptrtoint/inttoptr is useful are those where you want
>>> to do crazy things to the pointer.
>>>> - I came across MemorySSA while browsing though the llvm source. Is it
>>>> possible that one can use MemorySSA to do such optimization without alias
>>>> analysis ?
>>> MemorySSA relies on alias analysis to generate the SSA form.
>>>> - Where do I have to look in the source which is doing this kind of
>>>> optimization (Is it instcombine which uses lib/Analysis/Loads.cpp ?)
>>>> It's probably a combination of opts. The most likely candidate is -gvn,
>>> but  I would look at the pass dumps after each opt
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Paul
>>>> 2016-02-10 0:26 GMT+01:00 Philip Reames <listmail at philipreames.com>:
>>>>> Two points:
>>>>> - Using inttoptr is a mistake here.  GEPs are strongly preferred and
>>>>> provide strictly more aliasing information to the optimizer.
>>>>> - The zext is a bit weird.  I'm not sure where that came from, but I'd
>>>>> not bother looking into until the preceding point is addressed.
>>>>> In general, you may find these docs useful:
>>>>> http://llvm.org/docs/Frontend/PerformanceTips.html
>>>>> Philip
>>>>> On 02/08/2016 06:54 AM, Paul Peet via llvm-dev wrote:
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> I am trying to emulate the "stack" as like on x86 when using push/pop
>>>>> so afterwards I can use LLVM's optimizer passes to simplify (reduce junk)
>>>>> the code.
>>>>> The LLVM IR code:
>>>>> define { i32, i32, i32 } @test(i32 %foo, i32 %bar, i32 %sp) {
>>>>>   ; push foo (On "stack")
>>>>>   %sp_1 = sub i32 %sp, 4
>>>>>   %sp_1_ptr = inttoptr i32 %sp_1 to i32*
>>>>>   store i32 %foo, i32* %sp_1_ptr, align 4
>>>>>   ; push bar
>>>>>   %sp_2 = sub i32 %sp_1, 4
>>>>>   %sp_2_ptr = inttoptr i32 %sp_2 to i32*
>>>>>   store i32 %bar, i32* %sp_2_ptr, align 4
>>>>>   ; val1 = pop (val1 = bar)
>>>>>   %sp_3_ptr = inttoptr i32 %sp_2 to i32*
>>>>>   %val1 = load i32, i32* %sp_3_ptr, align 4
>>>>>   %sp_3 = add i32 %sp_2, 4
>>>>>   ; val2 = pop (val2 = foo)
>>>>>   %sp_4_ptr = inttoptr i32 %sp_3 to i32*
>>>>>   %val2 = load i32, i32* %sp_4_ptr, align 4
>>>>>   %sp_4 = add i32 %sp_3, 4
>>>>>   %ret_1 = insertvalue { i32, i32, i32 } undef, i32 %val1, 0
>>>>>   %ret_2 = insertvalue { i32, i32, i32 } %ret_1, i32 %val2, 1
>>>>>   %ret_3 = insertvalue { i32, i32, i32 } %ret_2, i32 %sp_4, 2
>>>>>   ret { i32, i32, i32 } %ret_3
>>>>> }
>>>>> This code will "push" two values onto the stack and pop them in
>>>>> reverse order so afterwards "foo" and "bar" will be swapped and returned
>>>>> back.
>>>>> After running this through "opt -O2 ./test.ll", I am getting this:
>>>>> define { i32, i32, i32 } @test(i32 %foo, i32 %bar, i32 %sp) #0 {
>>>>>   %sp_1 = add i32 %sp, -4
>>>>>   %1 = zext i32 %sp_1 to i64
>>>>>   %sp_1_ptr = inttoptr i64 %1 to i32*
>>>>>   store i32 %foo, i32* %sp_1_ptr, align 4
>>>>>   %sp_2 = add i32 %sp, -8
>>>>>   %2 = zext i32 %sp_2 to i64
>>>>>   %sp_2_ptr = inttoptr i64 %2 to i32*
>>>>>   store i32 %bar, i32* %sp_2_ptr, align 4
>>>>>   %val2 = load i32, i32* %sp_1_ptr, align 4
>>>>>   %ret_1 = insertvalue { i32, i32, i32 } undef, i32 %bar, 0 ; Swapped
>>>>>   %ret_2 = insertvalue { i32, i32, i32 } %ret_1, i32 %val2, 1; Not
>>>>> Swapped (Not optimized; Should be %foo)
>>>>>   %ret_3 = insertvalue { i32, i32, i32 } %ret_2, i32 %sp, 2
>>>>>   ret { i32, i32, i32 } %ret_3
>>>>> }
>>>>> As you can see that the IR has got additional code, eg. zext. But the
>>>>> main problem here is that val2 hasn't been optimized.
>>>>> Could anyone show me some hints what is preventing the second val from
>>>>> being optimized? (My guess would be the zext because I am using %sp as a
>>>>> 32bit pointer although the "target" is 64bit).
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Paul
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