[llvm-dev] [3.8 Release] Please write release notes!

Hans Wennborg via llvm-dev llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org
Thu Feb 11 16:16:26 PST 2016

Dear lots of people,

The first comments on the 3.7 release expressed surprise that there
were no changes to the X86 or ARM targets. There had of course been a
lot of hard work and many changes, but none of it was mentioned in the
release notes.

Please help make the release notes more comprehensive this time. The
notes are of course not as important as the actual code, but they do
get read, and they are a good way of telling users about all the hard
work you have done in the past six months.

If you made any changes in the 3.8 time span that might be worth
mentioning, please add them to the release notes --- it does not have
to be big-ticket items. If you saw someone else commit something
interesting, prod them to write a note about it.

The 3.8-rc2 notes can be seen at [1]. To add something, commit it
directly to the branch, or if you prefer, send me a patch or even just
an email with some text. I would be very happy if we can get these
into good shape by the beginning of next week.

Some things that might be worth mentioning, in no particular order:
(based partially on Alex Bradbury's LLVM Weekly; thanks!)

- Intel, ARM, PowerPC, MIPS, SPARC, Hexagon, ..., target maintainers,
please write something about your target.

- Eric: should the new C API Changes part of the developer policy be
pointed out? Maybe in relation to where we mention changes to the C

- David: can you write something about the new IR for exception
handling? Maybe just point into the ExceptionHandling doc?

- Alex L: I've seen a lot of MIR patches but don't know the status.
Anything to mention in the release notes?

- Dylan: should we mention the new AVR target, or is it too early?

- Richard: anything on the C++ front? What's the status on coroutines?

- Jonathan and other OpenMP folks: it's no longer behind a flag; would
be great to get some notes on this.

- Artem: there's been a bunch of CUDA patches. Anything that should be
mentioned in the release notes?

- Jordan & Anna: any new checkers that should be mentioned?

- Chih-Hung: should the notes mention the emutls-style TLS model?

- Lang: you did a lot of work on the Kalidoscope tutorial. Maybe we
should mention that?

.. tell me what I missed :-)


 [1]. http://llvm.org/pre-releases/3.8.0/#rc2.

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