[llvm-dev] RFC: Second draft of an LLVM Community Code of Conduct

Chandler Carruth via llvm-dev llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org
Tue Oct 20 02:32:30 PDT 2015

On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 11:49 AM Arnaud A. de Grandmaison <
arnaud.degrandmaison at arm.com> wrote:

> I very much like that second draft !
> > Remember that we're a world-wide community, so you might not be
> communicating in someone else's primary language.
> While there, it might be worth stating as well the “someone else” may also
> be in a different timezone (or just travelling), and a lack of immediate
> answer/feedback does not necessarily imply lack of thoughtfulness.
I don't have any problem with this, but others have expressed a hesitation
at the size of the document, so I'd like to see other support for this
particular addition before adding it.

> Cheers,
> Arnaud
> *From:* llvm-dev [mailto:llvm-dev-bounces at lists.llvm.org] *On Behalf Of *Chandler
> Carruth via llvm-dev
> *Sent:* 14 October 2015 22:36
> *To:* llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org
> *Subject:* [llvm-dev] RFC: Second draft of an LLVM Community Code of
> Conduct
> Greetings all,
> First off, thanks to everyone who contributed to the initial discussion
> thread. Judging by the responses from that thread, there seems to pretty
> broad interest in pursuing this. There also seem to be a few concerns. =]
> I'm including an updated draft based on the feedback, and I'll also try to
> break down the major points I've seen of discussion. Sorry for the long
> email, but I suspect it is much shorter than trying to read through the
> entire thread.
> High level points about a code of conduct in general:
> - Is this trying to change how the community behaves? I think the
> resounding answer is no, this is very much meant to formalize the existing
> extremely polite and respectful behavior that the LLVM community has had
> for many years.
> - Was this proposed in response to some particular event or problem? No.
> There has been mounting pressure throughout the industry and even within
> our community to take a step like this. There is a particular desire by
> many to have a code of conduct governing the developer's meeting.
> - Is this necessary? Has this ever come up in the community? Many people
> have expressed the view that some form of code of conduct is important
> and/or necessary. Chris has pointed out that there have been incidents that
> necessitated the degree of response outlined in this at least once in the
> past, but it was *many* years ago.
> - Why is this important? There is a tremendous amount of information
> online about why having these types of rules makes a huge difference for
> people who may feel unsafe in our community or conference. These range from
> advocacy from groups like the Ada Initiative[1] to powerful accounts of how
> these issues and related issues can negatively impact individuals in
> communities[2][3]. These may not apply to you personally, but they do apply
> to both current and potential future members of our community.
> [1]: http://adainitiative.org/
> [2]:
> http://www.perpendicularangel.com/2015/08/no-i-dont-trust-your-conference-without-a-code-of-conduct/
> [3]: http://sarah.thesharps.us/2015/10/06/what-makes-a-good-community/
> More specific points about the proposed wording:
> - Why enumerate specifics in the code of conduct? While some people do not
> need any specific examples, others benefit significantly from them. In
> minor cases, these examples can serve as reminders for well intending
> members of the community. But to understand the major reasons, consider
> someone who is seriously concerned about whether they will be safe and
> respected in the community. These people do exist, both already in our
> community and as potential newcomers (see the links above). You may not be
> one of them, but try to empathize. These people can look to a list of
> explicitly called out unacceptable behavior, find many of their concerns
> already addressed, and learn that they will indeed be safe and welcome. For
> groups and behaviors where this is a long standing and widespread problem
> *for them*, this can be the difference between joining a community and not
> joining. To read more details about this, I continue to refer to this
> article from the Ada Initiative:
> http://adainitiative.org/2014/02/18/howto-design-a-code-of-conduct-for-your-community/
> - Why use this specific wording? What about something much less verbose?
> Some of this is really the previous point in another form. However, there
> are reasons why I think this wording is a really good choice for the
> community even compared to other wording options. One, I have seen few that
> are meaningfully less verbose and still address the specifics. Two, this
> wording is *really* widely used. While I looked to and cited the Django
> Project, they are not alone. Here are some of the places using roughly the
> same core wording:
> http://couchdb.apache.org/conduct.html
> http://apache.org/foundation/policies/conduct.html
> http://opensource.box.com/code-of-conduct/
> https://github.com/twitter/code-of-conduct/blob/master/code-of-conduct.md
> https://code.facebook.com/pages/876921332402685
> That includes the Apache Foundation, Twitter, and Facebook among others.
> Several of these are based upon the template created by the
> http://todogroup.com/ organization which is extremely similar, but a bit
> longer than what is proposed here. So I believe that the core body of the
> wording has a really strong position in the larger industry and open source
> community.
> Naturally, the surrounding wording that gives the important context
> relevant for the *LLVM* community is and needs to be customized. But I have
> seen very few concerns about these parts of the text.
> - Do we need the degree of specificity with the "reporting guide"? See the
> discussion about specificity in general -- much of the same applies. Part
> of what the code of conduct needs to do to effectively make people feel
> safe is to advertise that we *will* actually act on issues when they come
> up. Again, this is nothing new to the community; we have asked people to
> correct their behavior before, and as Chris has pointed out even removed
> them from the community's forums in extreme cases.
> Issues around the specific people and process surrounding the advisory
> committee: We frankly don't have this sorted out yet. Clearly, we need to
> sort it out before this can be fully effective. I think we can make
> progress on converging on the code of conduct and the reporting guide, and
> then iterate on what the advisory committee looks like.
> I am sure I have missed some points in all of this, and for that I'm
> sorry. However, I am intentionally not going to engage in some of the very
> off topic discussions. For example, there was some excellent discussion
> about the Foundation itself. That feedback was I think well received and
> will be acted upon. I would expect updates and further discussion there in
> separate threads though.
> I've also sent out a patch which would add these documents to the tree,
> but with them clearly marked as *drafts*: http://reviews.llvm.org/D13741 This
> is based on the excellent suggestion by Philip. Please only make editorial
> and structural comments there, we should keep the vast majority of the
> content discussion here. To that end, the drafts are copied inline at the
> bottom.
> Thanks,
> -Chandler
> ---------
> ==============================
> LLVM Community Code of Conduct
> ==============================
> .. note::
>    This document is currently a **DRAFT** document while it is being
> discussed
>    by the community.
> We want to ensure that the LLVM community, while large and diverse, remains
> welcoming and respectful to all participants. To that end, we have a few
> ground
> rules that we ask people to adhere to.
> This isn’t an exhaustive list of things that you can’t do. Rather, take it
> in
> the spirit in which it’s intended - a guide to make it easier to
> communicate
> and participate in the community.
> This code of conduct applies to all spaces managed by the LLVM project or
> The
> LLVM Foundation. This includes IRC channels, mailing lists, bug trackers,
> events such as the developer meetings and socials, and any other forums
> created
> by the project that the community uses for communication. It applies to
> all of
> your communication and conduct in these spaces, including emails, chats,
> things
> you say, slides, videos, posters, signs, or even t-shirts you display in
> these
> spaces. In addition, violations of this code outside these spaces may
> affect
> a person's ability to participate within them.
> If you believe someone is violating the code of conduct, we ask that you
> report
> it by emailing conduct at llvm.org. For more details please see our
> :doc:`Reporting Guide <ReportingGuide>`.
> * **Be friendly and patient.**
> * **Be welcoming.** We strive to be a community that welcomes and supports
>   people of all backgrounds and identities. This includes, but is not
> limited
>   to members of any race, ethnicity, culture, national origin, colour,
>   immigration status, social and economic class, educational level, sex,
> sexual
>   orientation, gender identity and expression, age, size, family status,
>   political belief, religion or lack thereof, and mental and physical
> ability.
> * **Be considerate.** Your work will be used by other people, and you in
> turn
>   will depend on the work of others. Any decision you take will affect
> users
>   and colleagues, and you should take those consequences into account when
>   making decisions. Remember that we're a world-wide community, so you
> might
>   not be communicating in someone else's primary language.
> * **Be respectful.** Not all of us will agree all the time, but
> disagreement is
>   no excuse for poor behavior and poor manners. We might all experience
> some
>   frustration now and then, but we cannot allow that frustration to turn
> into
>   a personal attack. It’s important to remember that a community where
> people
>   feel uncomfortable or threatened is not a productive one. Members of the
>   community should be respectful when dealing with other members as well as
>   with people outside the LLVM community.
> * **Be careful in the words that you choose.** We are a community of
>   professionals, and we conduct ourselves professionally. Be kind to
> others. Do
>   not insult or put down other participants. Harassment and other
> exclusionary
>   behavior aren't acceptable. This includes, but is not limited to:
>   * Violent threats or language directed against another person.
>   * Discriminatory jokes and language.
>   * Posting sexually explicit or violent material.
>   * Posting (or threatening to post) other people's personally identifying
>     information ("doxing").
>   * Personal insults, especially those using racist or sexist terms.
>   * Unwelcome sexual attention.
>   * Advocating for, or encouraging, any of the above behavior.
>   * Repeated harassment of others. In general, if someone asks you to stop,
>     then stop.
> * **When we disagree, try to understand why.** Disagreements, both social
> and
>   technical, happen all the time and LLVM is no exception. It is important
> that
>   we resolve disagreements and differing views constructively. Remember
> that
>   we’re different. The strength of LLVM comes from its varied community,
> people
>   from a wide range of backgrounds. Different people have different
>   perspectives on issues. Being unable to understand why someone holds
>   a viewpoint doesn’t mean that they’re wrong. Don’t forget that it is
> human to
>   err and blaming each other doesn’t get us anywhere. Instead, focus on
> helping
>   to resolve issues and learning from mistakes.
> Questions?
> ==========
> If you have questions, please feel free to contact the LLVM Foundation
> Code of
> Conduct Advisory Committee by emailing conduct at llvm.org.
> (This text is based on the `Django Project`_ Code of Conduct, which is in
> turn
> based on wording from the `Speak Up! project`_.)
> .. _Django Project: https://www.djangoproject.com/conduct/
> .. _Speak Up! project: http://speakup.io/coc.html
> -------
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