[LLVMdev] ARM unwinding bug

Mason Wheeler masonwheeler at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 29 14:51:24 PDT 2015

> From: Renato Golin <renato.golin at linaro.org>

> On 29 July 2015 at 22:23, Mason Wheeler <masonwheeler at yahoo.com> wrote:
> > That would be Ben. :)
> We'll get there, eventually... :)

> ...

> But don't worry, with Ben on the case, we'll eventually get to the
> bottom of things, and get a fix.
> Meanwhile, have you thought about using LLVM's libunwind?

Yes, I have.  To me, that looks like the obvious solution, but that's from
the perspective of a guy on the outside looking in.  I'm the guy who hated
every minute of having C++ and Linux command-line barbarism inflicted upon
me in college, and has avoided ever touching either one whenever possible
ever since then.  And I know low-level x86 pretty well, but low-level ARM
is pretty far outside my experience.  All I know is, it was done that way
for a reason.

I asked Ben why his port isn't using LLVM's libunwind, and he said "I'm
replying," so I assume the rationale for it will be forthcoming
momentarily. :)


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