[LLVMdev] [cfe-dev] 3.6.2-rc1 has been tagged. Testers needed.

Ben Pope benpope81 at gmail.com
Tue Jul 7 01:08:58 PDT 2015

On Tuesday, July 07, 2015 01:26 PM, Dan Liew wrote:
> Hi,
> @CC'ing Hans because this will likely be of interest to you.
> Right I've started trying to build LLVM inside an Ubuntu chroot
> (Ubuntu 14.04LTS Docker image) and I've already come across a pretty
> bad bug in the ``test-release.sh`` script which potentially means that
> builds and/or tests could potentially fail without anyone noticing
> (unless someone carefully looks through the logs) because in certain
> places if the build process fails the script will carry on executing
> as if nothing bad happened!
> The script contains ``set -e`` which is **supposed** to exit if any
> command fails. However because of the way the script is implemented
> this doesn't work. When commands are piped through the ``tee`` command
> (which the script does for many parts of the build process) the exit
> code is not exit code of the process of interest (e.g. the ``make`` or
> ``configure`` invocations).
> Here's a simple example that illustrates the problem
> ```
> $ false ; echo $?
> 1
>   false | tee /dev/null ; echo $?
> 0
> ```
> In addition to doing ``set -e`` what we also need to do ``set -o
> pipefail`` in the ``test-release.sh`` script.
> ```
> $ set -o pipefail
> $ false ; echo $?
> 1
> $ false | tee /dev/null ; echo $?
> 1
> ```
> Is it okay for me to commit a fix for this to trunk?
> @Ben: Could you add a line just after ``set -e`` in your copy of
> ``test-release.sh`` that runs ``set -o pipefail`` and try another
> build using this patched script? This might not be the cause of the
> packaging problems you're having but I suspect that it might be the
> case that your build is failing in someway inside your chroot and that
> the ``test-release.sh`` script is just carrying on regardless of this
> failure resulting in a broken tarball being generated.

OK, good.  The change made it obvious that I had groff missing and that 
seems to have been killing the install step mid-flow.

Dan, I think it works now, so I've uploaded the new build to the site I 
sent you before for your perusal.

I've also uploaded clang+llvm-3.6.2-x86_64-linux-gnu-ubuntu-14.04.tar.xz 
to the llvm ftp site.


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