[LLVMdev] build failure on mingw gcc 4.9.1

Mueller-Roemer, Johannes Sebastian Johannes.Sebastian.Mueller-Roemer at igd.fraunhofer.de
Tue Jan 27 00:55:39 PST 2015

I encountered a new build failure (r227128) on my nightly build of LLVM for MinGW:

FAILED: cmd.exe /c cd . && D:\MinGW\x86_64-4.9.1-release-posix-seh-rt_v3-rev0\mingw64\bin\c++.exe  -Wall -W -Wno-unused-parameter -Wwrite-strings -Wcast-qual -Wno-missing-field-initializers -pedantic -Wno-long-long -Wno-maybe-uninitialized -Wno-comment -std=gnu++11 -g   utils/not/CMakeFiles/not.dir/not.cpp.obj  -o bin/not.exe  -Wl,--major-image-version,0,--minor-image-version,0  lib/libLLVMSupportD.a -limagehlp -lpsapi -lshell32 -lkernel32 -luser32 -lgdi32 -lwinspool -lshell32 -lole32 -loleaut32 -luuid -lcomdlg32 -ladvapi32 && cd .
lib/libLLVMSupportD.a(Signals.cpp.obj): In function `llvm::sys::PrintStackTraceOnErrorSignal()':

D:/Slave/llvm-mingw/build/lib/Support/Windows/Signals.inc:284: undefined reference to `__imp__set_abort_behavior'

D:/Slave/llvm-mingw/build/lib/Support/Windows/Signals.inc:286: undefined reference to `__imp__set_abort_behavior'

collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status

So, _set_abort_behavior is not found. This should be solvable by specifying a newer MSVCRT version (see http://sourceforge.net/p/mingw/support-requests/153/ ). I'll try it, and if it works, could we add that to the CMakeLists?

Johannes S. Mueller-Roemer, MSc
Wiss. Mitarbeiter - Interactive Engineering Technologies (IET)

Fraunhofer-Institut für Graphische Datenverarbeitung IGD
Fraunhoferstr. 5  |  64283 Darmstadt  |  Germany
Tel +49 6151 155-606  |  Fax +49 6151 155-139
johannes.mueller-roemer at igd.fraunhofer.de  |  www.igd.fraunhofer.de

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