[LLVMdev] [MCJIT] TLS relocation design

Keno Fischer kfischer at college.harvard.edu
Wed Jan 14 14:21:55 PST 2015


I'd like to start discussing the path forward for adding TLS support to
MCJT. The relevant bug is http://llvm.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=21431.

Since the ABI for TLS is really defined by the C library, it seems like we
need to define a flexible interface that would allow RuntimeDyld to request
whatever information it needs. We could then implement the most common
schemes on platforms that we care about, but we should be sure that the
interface we define is general enough to nor require rewriting as new
platforms are added to MCJIT (I'm particularly looking at COFF/Windows
support here). Thus, I'd like to get a sense of how the different TLS
implementations work and what kind of API a potential `TLSImplementation`
class would have to provide

As noted in the bug report, I have an implementation implementation of this
for ELF/x86_64, so I'll start by describing what was necessary to get that
running (I did this a year ago, so this is my best recollection). For
starters, this link describes the general ELF ABI much better than I could
(it has illustrations!): http://www.akkadia.org/drepper/tls.pdf.

Now, the relocation in question is R_X86_64_TLSGD (this is for the general
dynamic tls model, I didn't investigate anything else. To process the
relocation, we need to add two GOT entries, one for the dynamic module id
and one for the offset in that dynamic module's TLS block. I had originally
hoped that there was a dlsym like API that would give me this information,
but unfortunately, there is not (and this is where the hacky part comes
in). Instead what I do is dlsym the symbol and then manually go trough all
the dynamic modules for the current thread (using the dtv, which I happen
to know is at pthread_self()[1] on glibc - this could probably be done by
going through the TLS segment registers, though I didn't manage to do it
back when I implemented this) and compute the information by picking the
first dynamic module whose TLS block starts before the address we got back
from dlsym (also giving us the offset). This works well, but feels very
hacky and is probably horribly dependent on the C library used.

Thus it seems, for ELF, all that's required of a potential TLS
implementation class is a `TLSdlsym` that gives us the module and offset
information. I'd like to find out what we need to handle Darwin and Windows
(does somebody have a good reference that describes the TLS scheme on these
platforms). Perhaps we can also talk to the C library maintainers to get an
API that gives us this information directly.

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