[LLVMdev] RFC: Proposal to Remove Poison

John Regehr regehr at cs.utah.edu
Sun Feb 8 12:29:57 PST 2015

David, this sounds promising.  One thing we should do is dig up some of 
Dan Gohman's old emails on this topic and make sure that your idea passes 
his litmus tests.

A few random things that want to be discussed in the detailed RFC:

- what constitutes separate reads of an undef? for example is "%1 = xor 
undef, undef" different from "%0 = undef ; %1 = xor %0, %0"?

- how do select and phi and br work in the value dependent and 
not-value-dependent cases?

- what is the list of "true UBs" that do not fall into your proposed 
model?  for example, I assume divide by zero and OOB store


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