[LLVMdev] Help!!!!Help!!!! " LLVM ERROR: Cannot select: 0x9fc9680: i32 = fp32_to_fp16 0x9fc0750 [ID=16] " problem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

yalong at multicorewareinc.com yalong at multicorewareinc.com
Wed Jul 9 10:53:43 PDT 2014

Hi all,�� � I am new to llvm. I need help. Thank you every!
� � I want to realize vcvtt.f16.f32 �NEON instruction by llvm. This instruction covert top-16bits of a single type to f16. I use the intrinsics function llvm.convert.to.fp16, but cannot llc ,�I meet is following problem :
LLVM ERROR: Cannot select: 0x9fc9680: i32 = fp32_to_fp16 0x9fc0750 [ID=16]

  0x9fc0750: f32,ch = load 0x3aafd68, 0x9fc2a20, 0x9feaab0<LD4[%sunkaddr85033]> [ORD=125117] [ID=15]

    0x9fc2a20: i32 = add 0x9fed880, 0x9fd9ea0 [ORD=125115] [ID=13]

      0x9fed880: i32,ch = CopyFromReg 0x3aafd68, 0x9fbea90 [ORD=125114] [ID=9]

        0x9fbea90: i32 = Register %vreg13999 [ORD=125114] [ID=1]

      0x9fd9ea0: i32 = Constant<80> [ORD=125115] [ID=2]

    0x9feaab0: i32 = undef [ORD=125117] [ID=4]

In function: internal_function_69

Command exited with non-zero status 1
� � If I change the method, I use " %1 =�fptrunc float %0 �to half ", then " %2 = bitcast half %1 to i16", I meet samiliar problem, the log is following:
LLVM ERROR: Cannot select: 0x9f554b0: ch = store 0x9d0f28c, 0x9f5d900, 0x9f54ba8, 0x9f54b20<ST2[FixedStack0](align=4), trunc to f16> [ID=52]

  0x9f5d900: f32,ch = load 0x9f5e290, 0x9f5dd40, 0x9f54b20<LD4[%sunkaddr69]> [ORD=1810] [ID=51]

    0x9f5dd40: i32 = add 0x9f55318, 0x9f5e0f8 [ORD=1808] [ID=31]

      0x9f55318: i32,ch = CopyFromReg 0x9d0f28c, 0x9f6a3a0 [ORD=1796] [ID=26]

        0x9f6a3a0: i32 = Register %vreg32 [ORD=1796] [ID=1]

      0x9f5e0f8: i32 = Constant<64> [ORD=1808] [ID=17]

    0x9f54b20: i32 = undef [ORD=1797] [ID=6]

  0x9f54ba8: i32 = FrameIndex<0> [ID=24]

  0x9f54b20: i32 = undef [ORD=1797] [ID=6]

In function: testVCVTT32TO16Function�

� � Anyone can help me?? Thank you again.

yalong at multicorewareinc.com

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