[LLVMdev] RFC: Change coding standard to not indent namespaces ever

Chandler Carruth chandlerc at gmail.com
Sun Jan 12 03:00:28 PST 2014

Currently there is a mixture of indented namespaces and un-indented
namespaces in both LLVM and Clang. I think this is confusing and it wastes
developer time debating the issue. I'd like to pick one and stick with it

Indenting cannot possibly work in many contexts -- file-wide namespaces
just make no sense to indent. So I don't think we should pick "always

The common pattern to indent is when there is a small body of code which is
within a namespace. The reason for not indenting large bodies of code is
that when the namespace spans so much, the indent loses any structural
value, and turns into just a cost of losing valuable horizontal space in
which to write code. This makes sense to me.

But for small blocks of code, the indent has relatively low value -- both
the start and end are typically visible on the screen. Why bother indenting
this special case? The value seems very, very low.

So, I suggest no indent of namespaces ever. I'm happy to make the
corresponding change to the coding standards. Naturally, I'm not suggesting
rampant re-indenting of code. I'd just like to set a consistent rule going
forward so we don't debate this, and know what to do when I see a chunk of
code and about to make very significant changes to it and want to clean up
formatting while I'm there.

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