[LLVMdev] Pre-compiled versions of ELLCC are now available via FTP.

Richard Pennington rich at pennware.com
Sat Feb 15 15:02:10 PST 2014


I have made pre-compiled versions of the ELLCC cross compilation tool 
chain available for various Linux targets.
They can be found at ftp://ellcc.org/pub

Targets supported:
ARM (little and big endian)
Mips (little and big endian)

 From the README:
The files in this directory contain pre-compiled versions of the ELLCC
cross compiler tool chain. Each tarball is meant to run on a specific
target linux system as indicated by the name, e.g. ellcc-arm-... are
executables that are supposed to run on an little endian ARM Linux box.

All of the executables in these tarballs are statically linked, so they
should run on any reasonably recent Linux box.

Tarball contents:
     C/C++ compiler (ecc, ecc++)
     Assemblers for all targets
     GNU binutils compiled to support all targets.
     GDB compiled to support all the targets.

All of the tarballs contain header files and runtime libraries for all
the targets so you should be able to build for any one of the targets [1].

These tarballs have not been tested, except for the i386 and x86_64 
because I don't have access to Linux boxes running on the other targets. I
would welcome feedback on how they work for you.

If you have any problems, please post on the ELLCC forum:

Please visit http://ellcc.org for more information.

Have fun!


[1]: The ARM versions of the executables currently can only target ARM
processors because the ecc compiler became too large to be statically
linked when all processors were supported.

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