[LLVMdev] Generating PTX code from template kernel failes

Haidl, Michael michael.haidl at uni-muenster.de
Thu Feb 6 01:44:02 PST 2014



I'm trying to generate IR from CUDA C++. This works fine until templates
come into play. Using a  template __device__ function within a __global__
function works well. The specific instantiations of the template function
are generated. However, trying to forward a template parameter from the
kernel launch code to the device function breaks somehow the transformation
process and an empty ll file is emitted.


The used code: 


#ifndef __CUDACC__


#include <stddef.h>

#define __constant__ __attribute__((constant))

#define __device__ __attribute__((device))

#define __global__ __attribute__((global))

#define __host__ __attribute__((host))

#define __shared__ __attribute__((shared))

#define __launch_bounds__(...) __attribute__((launch_bounds(__VA_ARGS__)))


struct dim3 {

  unsigned x, y, z;

  __host__ __device__ dim3(unsigned x, unsigned y = 1, unsigned z = 1) :
x(x), y(y), z(z) {}



typedef struct cudaStream *cudaStream_t;


int cudaConfigureCall(dim3 gridSize, dim3 blockSize, size_t sharedSize = 0,

                      cudaStream_t stream = 0);





template <typename T>

__device__ int blubblub(T& a, float& b, double& c)


        a = a * b;

        b = b - c;

        c = a * c;

        return a;




template <typename T>

__global__ void kernel(T a, float b, double c)


        int result = blubblub<T>(a, b, c);




int main()



        kernel<int><<<dim3(1), dim3(1)>>>(5, 0.7f, 12.34);

        return 0;



The command line to compile: 


clang++ -x cuda -S -emit-llvm -target nvptx64 -Xclang -fcuda-is-device -o
test.dev.ll test.cu


clang version 3.5 (trunk 200831)



Any help to fix this problem is highly appreciated. 


Michael Haidl

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