[LLVMdev] [Polly] Update lit config for Cloog

Star Tan tanmx_star at yeah.net
Mon Sep 2 09:22:40 PDT 2013

At 2013-09-03 00:12:56,"Tobias Grosser" <tobias at grosser.es> wrote:

>On 09/02/2013 07:44 AM, Star Tan wrote:
>> At 2013-09-02 16:22:28,"Tobias Grosser" <tobias at grosser.es> wrote:
>>> On 09/01/2013 08:02 PM, Star Tan wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> Attached patch file to update lit config for Cloog. Without it, Polly always skips Cloog testings when we run "make check-polly".
>>> Dear Star Tan,
>>> thanks a lot for the patch. It looks very reasonable, but I am wondering
>>> why it was not needed before or what problem it fixes exactly. Could you
>>> add some information about this to the commit message.
>> I am not sure why it was not needed before; maybe it has never worked well before. The problem is that Polly never executes Cloog specific testcases no matther whether Cloog is found or not. I find this problem because I put a new testcase in test/Cloog/CodeGen/, but it is never executed.
>> @Sebastian, you added the Cloog directory in r169159, including all testcases and the lit.local.cfg. The lit.local.cfg ensures that  cloog specific testcases are executed only with CLOOG_FOUND by adding the following lit commands in test/Cloog/lit.local.cfg:
>>          cloog = config.root.cloog_found
>>          if cloog not in ['TRUE', 'true'] :
>>              config.unsupported = True
>> However, there are two problems:
>> First, since the cloog_found is set as "@CLOOG_FOUND@",  I think the following "sed" command should be added into Makefile:
>>          sed -e "s#@CLOOG_FOUN@#$(CLOOG_FOUND)#g"
>> Unfortunately such command is missed in current Polly.  If it is not needed, I am curious how could Polly determine the value of @CLOOG_FOUND@ ?
>> Second, even if we add the "sed" command in Makefile, the config.root.cloog_found would be set as "yes" or null, but Polly currently compares it with "TRUE" or "true", which thus always fails and the Cloog testcases will never be executed.
>> @Sebastian, could you do me a favor to have a review of this problem?  FYI, I have re-attached the patch file.
>This is surprising. Even without your patch my test/lit.site.cfg file 
>config.enable_gpgpu_codegen = ""
>config.cloog_found = "TRUE"
>(With CLOOG enabled and GPGPU_codegen disabled). Also, the CLooG test 
>are run (and are failing) as expected.
>I think it would be good to understand why this different behaviour can 
>be observed. Sebastian, any ideas?
Interesting! In my computer, it shows as:

config.enable_gpgpu_codegen = "@CUDALIB_FOUND@"
config.cloog_found = "@CLOOG_FOUND@"
The source version is:
LLVM: r189730;  Polly: r189177; Clang:r189731
Star Tan
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