[LLVMdev] Whole program alias analysis in backend

ihusar at fit.vutbr.cz ihusar at fit.vutbr.cz
Sun Jun 9 23:31:10 PDT 2013

Hello everyone,

   we are planning to implement a stronger alias analysis
for backend, because e.g. for VLIW architectures, this is our main  
performance limitation.
I would have 2 questions regarding this.

   I know that backend processes one function at a time,
is it somehow possible to do there a whole program analysis,
or could you give me some guidelines?

   Which alias analysis algorithm you would recommend?
There was a Stensgaard algorithm implemented before, but noone
was maintaning it, so it was removed. Do you think that this could be a  
algorithm or should we choose something newer and stronger?
Regarding the scalability, it ok for us, if the algorithm would run e.g. 1  
hour for a
100 KLOC application.

Thank you
   Adam Husar

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