[LLVMdev] arm compiler benchmarks

Renato Golin renato.golin at linaro.org
Wed Feb 27 06:23:03 PST 2013

On 27 February 2013 08:54, David Chisnall <David.Chisnall at cl.cam.ac.uk>wrote:

> > People normally care about code size on Cortex-R/M and ARM9 or older,
> and in there, not many LLVM users.
> There are a lot of A8 devices around with 256KB (or less) of L2 cache
> (32KB of L1 i-cache), and so code density, if not code size, matters a lot
> for these.  Cache sizes in mobile chips tend to be as small as possible, as
> it's very hard to turn off those transistors (there are several projects at
> ARM and elsewhere that I'm aware of in this direction, but I don't know of
> any in shipping products yet).

I didn't mean to say that code size is not important, especially for ARM,
just that the average LLVM user (even ARM users) will not care yet that

Most benchmarks I've seen around are all platform software, comparing
performance with Atom and not a single mention on code size. When I did
some benchmarks a few years back, I noticed that LLVM's code was at least
twice as big as GCC with the same specs, some times more than 4x bigger,
would be good to know how it compares now to see how much people really
care about code size.


Will you be able to share your results? I think you'll find that LLVM has
indeed progressed in that area, as I've seen some commits going through
during the last few years on that area. I'd like to know if we're getting
close to GCC.

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