[LLVMdev] Cmake sample standalone project

Wojciech DaniƂo wojtek.danilo.ml at gmail.com
Fri Feb 8 00:20:56 PST 2013

When using LLVM there is a folder: llvm/projects/sample which contains a
file structure aimed at developing own project. It seems it uses autotools.
Is there anywhere such structure but cmake oriented? So I can use it to
build my project as standalone project?

I know I can make simple cmakes like in llvm/examples/... directories, but
then I have to execute cmake from llvm source everytme I want to compile my
program - I want to create the project as standalone, but I would love to
use as a starting point good designed and prepared CmakeList.txt's like the
good prepared autotools project.

Is there any tested sample cmake project out there?

thank you
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