[LLVMdev] Publication - ErLLVM: An LLVM backend for Erlang

Yiannis Tsiouris gtsiour at softlab.ntua.gr
Mon Sep 10 15:29:48 PDT 2012

ping. :-)

On 09/07/2012 08:24 PM, Yiannis Tsiouris wrote:
> [...]
> The citation is the following (this time with a url to the paper): K.
> Sagonas, C. Stavrakakis, and Y. Tsiouris. "ErLLVM: An LLVM backend
> for Erlang"[1]. In Eleventh ACM SIGPLAN Erlang Workshop, September
> 2012. ACM Press.
> [1]: http://erllvm.softlab.ntua.gr/files/erlang03-sagonas.pdf
> On 09/07/2012 08:13 PM, Yiannis Tsiouris wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I attach a publication that we have at the ACM Sigplan Erlang
>> Workshop 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark.
>> The abstract is: This paper describes ErLLVM, a new backend for the
>> HiPE compiler, the native code compiler of Erlang/OTP, that targets
>> the LLVM compiler infrastructure. Besides presenting the overall
>> architecture of ErLLVM and its integration in Erlang/OTP, we
>> describe the changes to LLVM that ErLLVM required and discuss
>> technical challenges and decisions we took. Finally, we provide a
>> detailed performance evaluation of ErLLVM compared to BEAM, the
>> existing backends of the HiPE compiler, and Erjang. The citation
>> is: K. Sagonas, C. Stavrakakis, and Y. Tsiouris. "/ErLLVM: An LLVM
>> Backend for Erlang/
>> <http://erllvm.softlab.ntua.gr/files/erlang03-sagonas.pdf>". In
>> Eleventh ACM SIGPLAN Erlang Workshop, September 2012. ACM Press.
>> Could someone add it under: http://llvm.org/pubs ?
Yiannis Tsiouris
Ph.D. student,
Software Engineering Laboratory,
National Technical University of Athens
WWW: http://www.softlab.ntua.gr/~gtsiour

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