[LLVMdev] [RFC] Extend LLVM IR to express "fast-math" at a per-instruction level

Michael Ilseman milseman at apple.com
Tue Oct 30 20:28:12 PDT 2012

On Oct 30, 2012, at 4:19 PM, Dan Gohman <dan433584 at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Tue, Oct 30, 2012 at 2:25 PM, Michael Ilseman <milseman at apple.com> wrote:
> Here's a new version of the RFC, incorporating and addressing the feedback from Krzysztof, Eli, Duncan, and Dan.
> Revision 1 changes:
>   * Removed Fusion flag from all sections
>   * Clarified and changed descriptions of remaining flags:
>     * Make 'N' and 'I' flags be explicitly concerning values of operands, and
>       producing undef values if a NaN/Inf is provided.
>     * 'S' is now only about distinguishing between +/-0.
>     * LangRef changes updated to reflect flags changes
>     * Updated Quesiton section given the now simpler set of flags
>     * Optimizations changed to reflect 'N' and 'I' describing operands and not
>       results
>   * Be explicit on what LLVM's default behavior is (no signaling NaNs, etc)
>   * Mention that this could be solved with metadata, and open the debate
> Introduction
> ---
> LLVM IR currently does not have any support for specifying fine-grained control
> over relaxing floating point requirements for the optimizer. The below is a
> proposal to extend floating point IR instructions to support a number of flags
> that a creator of IR can use to allow for greater optimizations when
> desired. Such changes are sometimes referred to as fast-math, but this proposal
> is about finer-grained specifications at a per-instruction level.
> What this doesn't address
> ---
> Default behavior is retained, and this proposal is only addressing relaxing
> restrictions. LLVM currently by default:
>  - ignores signaling NaNs
>  - assumes default rounding mode
>  - assumes FENV_ACCESS is off
> Discussion on changing the default behavior of LLVM or allowing for more
> restrictive behavior is outside the scope of this proposal. This proposal does
> not address behavior of denormals, which is more of a backend concern.
> Specifying exact precision control or requirements is outside the scope of this
> proposal, and can probably be handled with the existing metadata implementation.
> This proposal covers changes to and optimizations over LLVM IR, and changes to
> codegen are outside the scope of this proposal. The flags described in the next
> section exist only at the IR level, and will not be propagated into codegen or
> the SelectionDAG.
> Flags
> ---
> no NaNs (N)
>   - The optimizer is allowed to optimize under the assumption that the operands'
>     values are not NaN. If one of the operands is NaN, the value of the result
>     is undefined.
> no Infs (I)
>   - The optimizer is allowed to optimize under the assumption that the operands'
>     values are not +/-Inf. If one of the operands is +/-Inf, the value of the
>     result is undefined.
> no signed zeros (S)
>   - The optimizer is allowed to not distinguish between -0 and +0 for the
>     purposes of optimizations.
> Ok, I checked LLVM CodeGen's existing -enable-no-infs-fp-math and -enable-no-nans-fp-math flags, and GCC's -ffinite-math-only flag, and they all say they apply to results as well as arguments. Do you have a good reason for varying from existing practice here?

The primary example I was trying to simplify with that change was x * 0 ==> 0. It can be performed if you assume NIS inputs, or NS inputs and N outputs. This is because Inf * 0 is NaN. In hindsight, this is all making things more confusing, so I think I'll go back to "arguments and results" and allow this optimization for NS. GCC gets around this by lumping Inf and NaN under the same command line option.

> Phrasing these from the perspective of the optimizer is a little confusing here.

I think it might be clearer to change "The optimizer is allowed to …" to "Allow optimizations to …" and clean up the wording a bit.

> Also, "The optimizer is allowed to [not care about X]" read literally means that the semantics for X are unconstrained, which would be Undefined Behavior. For I and N here you have a second sentence which says only the result is undefined, but for S you don't.

'S' shouldn't have any undefined behavior, it just allows optimizations to not distinguish between +/-0. It's perfectly legal for the operation to receive a negative zero, the operation just might treat it exactly the same as a positive zero. I would rather have that than undefined behavior.

This is similar to how gcc defines -fno-signed-zeros:
"Allow optimizations for floating point arithmetic that ignore the signedness of zero. IEEE arithmetic specifies the behavior of distinct +0.0 and -0.0 values, which then prohibits simplification of expressions such as x+0.0 or 0.0*x (even with -ffinite-math-only). This option implies that the sign of a zero result isn't significant."

I'll revise my description to also mention that the sign of a zero result isn't significant. 

> Also, even when you do have the second sentence, it seems to contradict the first sentence.

Why does it contradict the first sentence? I meant it as a clarification or reinforcement of the first, not a contradiction.

> unsafe algebra (A)
>   - The optimizer is allowed to perform algebraically equivalent transformations
>      that may dramatically change results in floating point. (e.g.
>      reassociation)
> Throughout I'll refer to these options in their short-hand, e.g. 'A'.
> Internally, these flags are to reside in SubclassData.
> ======
> Question:
> Not all combinations make sense (e.g. 'A' pretty much implies all other flags).
> Basically, I have the below lattice of sensible relations:
>   A > S > N
>   A > I > N
> Meaning that 'A' implies all the others, 'S' implies 'N', etc.
> Why does S still imply N?
> Also, I'm curious if there's a specific motivation to have I imply N. LLVM CodeGen's existing options for these are independent.
> It might be desirable to simplify this into just being a fast-math level.
> What would make this desirable?

I think this "Question" I had no longer makes too much sense, so I'm going to delete this section.

> Changes to optimizations
> ---
> Optimizations should be allowed to perform unsafe optimizations provided the
> instructions involved have the corresponding restrictions relaxed. When
> combining instructions, optimizations should do what makes sense to not remove
> restrictions that previously existed (commonly, a bitwise-AND of the flags).
> Below are some example optimizations that could be allowed with the given
> relaxations.
> N - no NaNs
>   x == x ==> true
> S - no signed zeros
>   x - 0 ==> x
>   0 - (x - y) ==> y - x
> NIS - no signed zeros AND no NaNs AND no Infs
>   x * 0 ==> 0
> NI - no infs AND no NaNs
>   x - x ==> 0
> A - unsafe-algebra
>   Reassociation
>     (x + y) + z ==> x + (y + z)
>     (x + C1) + C2 ==> x + (C1 + C2)
>   Redistribution
>     (x * C) + x ==> x * (C+1)
>     (x * C) + (x + x) ==> x * (C + 2)
>   Reciprocal
>    x / C ==> x * (1/C)
> These examples apply when the new constants are permitted, e.g. not denormal,
> and all the instructions involved have the needed flags.
> I'm still confused by what you mean in this sentence. Why are you talking about constants, if you intend this optimizations to be valid for non-constants? And, it's not clear what you're trying to say about denormal values here.

I was mentioning denormals for one of the optimizations. I think it would be more clear to say something like:
>  Reciprocal
>    x / C ==> x * (1/C)  when (1/C) is not denormal

I was mostly trying to say that the optimizations are not blindly applied, but are applied when they are still legal. I think the sentence is more confusing than helpful, though.

> Dan

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