[LLVMdev] Getting Started

Joe Abbey jabbey at arxan.com
Fri Nov 30 16:25:29 PST 2012

That's cool.  It was a nice exercise to learn python, and gain a better understanding of how reST works.  Thanks Eli and Dmitri!!

While the script is super useful for my workflow, it is a solution to a problem that may not even exist.  Since the script is out there in a few patch incarnations, I suspect that's where we should leave it.  I'm not going to push to get it in, especially if I'm the only beneficiary.  :)

I'm a proponent of modernizing the getting started documentation.  I'm happy to help with the svn and cmake parts as that's what I tend to focus on.



On Nov 30, 2012, at 6:32 PM, "Sean Silva" <silvas at purdue.edu> wrote:

> Hi Joe, thanks for working on this.
> My honest opinion on it is that time would be better spent improving
> the documentation, as the current documentation is archaic. I think
> this has come up on the list before, but to rehash:
> * Start out by saying "LLVM can be built with make or CMake, and
> checked out with svn or git", and have "make", "CMake", "svn", and
> "git" be links to their own section talking about the relevant thing.
> * Treat the different options on equal footing. The current document
> is extremely SVN/make centric.
> Overall, I think that adding automation to this is not really going to
> help that much for a newcomer (especially considering the portability
> concerns cited by others). TBH, it's not that difficult to set up.
> What *is* difficult is wading through the current documentation to
> find out that "oh hey, they support git", or "oh, they have CMake so I
> can develop in visual studio like I'm comfortable with".
> Also, as I'm sure you have witnessed on the lists, choice of build
> system and (local) version control is something that people are quite
> vehement about, to the point that failing to put those options in
> newcomers' faces could result in outright *losing a developer* or at
> least dampening their enthusiasm (the importance of which is not to be
> underestimated). I have yet to see anyone complain about a lack of
> automation for getting set up.
> -- Sean Silva
> On Thu, Nov 29, 2012 at 12:41 PM, Joe Abbey <jabbey at arxan.com> wrote:
>> I know this process is well documented here
>> http://llvm.org/docs/GettingStarted.html
>> But man do I love scripting things:
>> LLVM Getting Started (See http://llvm.org/docs/GettingStarted.html)
>> ./getttingStarted.sh [-clang] [-compiler-rt] [-test-suite] [-branch branch]
>> [-dir path] [-r rev]
>> By default this script checks out ToT LLVM to the current working directory
>> Project Options:
>>  -clang                 Checkout Clang repo
>>  -compiler-rt           Checkout Compiler RT
>>  -test-suite            Checkout LLVM test-suite
>> Configuration Options:
>>  -branch branch         Checkout a specific branch, default trunk
>>  -dir path              Checkout to path instead of current working dir
>>  -r rev                 Checkout to a specific revision
>>  -v                     Verbose mode
>>  -help                  Print this message
>> The shell script is attached, if you are interested.  Perhaps we can add
>> this to the GettingStarted doc?
>> Joe

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