[LLVMdev] Develop on trunk.

Chandler Carruth chandlerc at google.com
Wed Jun 13 16:03:53 PDT 2012

On Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 3:41 PM, Mikael Lyngvig <mikael at lyngvig.org> wrote:

> Guys, that was very interesting and useful stuff you preached there.  Mind
> if I make a patch to the FAQ and include it somewhere?
> "Q: When should I develop against a branch?  A: Only if you are making
> really big or controversial changes.  ... blah blah
> I am thinking that it would be highly useful for the project, if somebody
> (yours sincerely) took it upon himself to hunt and gather the very
> interesting bits that often pop up in these mailing lists.  As a newbie, I
> think the lists are very valuable, but you cannot expect people to always
> read all of the old stuff on the lists and as much as we all love Google's
> search engine (bing! bing!), it does always find the stuff you want to find
> (nearly, but not always).

Yes, patches to the FAQ are very welcome.

We should honestly organize the FAQ a bit differently if you want to start
really working to flesh it out with more useful information. I think there
should be three FAQs at least:

1) A FAQ for the LLVM Project, which is applicable to LLVM, Clang, and
often other subprojects. This would include the license section in the
current LLVM faq, and maybe some other points.

2) A FAQ for the LLVM codebase -- specific to the code, libraries, and
infrastructure in the primary project.

3) A Clang FAQ for the FE-specific stuff.

The current FAQ is mostly #2, with a bit of #1, and a lot of out-of-date or
flat out wrong information. The current FAQ could probably stay as one
page, or be two pages, but it should have a clear and well deliniated split
between #1 and #2. We should discuss creating #3 on cfe-dev in a separate
thread if you're interested.

If you're proposing patches, here are some suggestions as the standard
process may not work as well... which others may contradict if they
disagree... ;]

- Patches to fix the formatting / structure should go directly to

- Patches to add a FAQ entry to section #1 above should at least go to
llvm-commits, llvmdev, and possibly a few of the mailing lists for
suprojects to get wider feedback.

- Patches to add a FAQ entry to section #2 above should go to llvm-commits
and llvmdev.
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