[LLVMdev] misc questions on opt and bitcode

Arpan Sen arpansen at gmail.com
Sun Feb 5 11:32:44 PST 2012


For the very simple example below, I get *Unknown instruction error from
lli and llvm-dis*, while* llc does not print anything*. Not sure what is
that I am missing here. My llvm-gcc version
is i686-apple-darwin11-llvm-gcc-4.2 (GCC) 4.2.1 (Based on Apple Inc. build
5658) (LLVM build 2336.1.00)

1-39-155-188:pastebin Babai$ cat example.c
#include <stdio.h>

void hello()

int main()
1-39-155-188:pastebin Babai$ llvm-gcc example.c -emit-llvm -c -o example.bc
1-39-155-188:pastebin Babai$ lli example.bc
lli: example.bc: Unknown instruction
1-39-155-188:pastebin Babai$ llvm-dis < example.bc
llvm-dis: Unknown instruction
1-39-155-188:pastebin Babai$ llvm-gcc example.c -emit-llvm -S -o example.s
1-39-155-188:pastebin Babai$ llc example.s
1-39-155-188:pastebin Babai$ llc example.s
1-39-155-188:pastebin Babai$ llvm-gcc example.c
1-39-155-188:pastebin Babai$ ./a.out

Any ideas?

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