[LLVMdev] GSoC: PTX Back-End for LLVM

Tobias Grosser grosser at fim.uni-passau.de
Mon Mar 28 19:19:37 PDT 2011

On 03/28/2011 09:12 AM, Justin Holewinski wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am going to submit a GSoC proposal for LLVM this year, and I would
> like to first post it here to get constructive feedback before I submit
> it before the April 8 deadline.  This is the first time I have submitted
> a GSoC proposal, so please be brutal with the feedback. :)

Hi Justin,

I think this is a great idea. I am highly interested in PTX code generation.


The proposal is nice and shows that you already have a good idea of your 

Here some ideas how you can further improve it:

1. Milestones / Time line

You already have a two-phase development plan. I believe it would be 
nice, if you can further split it into a set of smaller milestones. Each 
could include a short description of what you plan to deliver, how long 
its implementation will take and when you plan to implement it during 
the summer of code. Those milestones could be sorted into the time frame 
you have for the GSoC. In addition, you could define "Success Criteria" 
for the midterm/final evaluation.

This will make it easy to see during GSoC, if you are on track with your 
project and will allow you and your mentor to readjust your milestones 
if necessary.

When developing mile stones and success criteria, better be conservative 
and only add items you are confident you can implement during GSoC. You 
can add additionally a set of "if time permits" milestones, where you 
put the stuff that is not 100% needed, but that would be good to have.

2. It would be nice to include a description of the examples you have 
already tested

3. Define the exceptions

It would be good to know what parts you definitely do not plan to 
implement and best why not (Postponed, impossible, not relevant, ...).
Like this people can understand to what extend your backend will be 
usable after the GSoC.

4. Phase two is currently a little short

What kind of optimizations do you plan? Have you already an idea or will 
you investigate this when you get to this point? How much time do you 
plan to spend on Part II? If it is more than two weeks, it would be good 
to elaborate a little on what you plan to do there exactly.

So that's all for the moment. As the application was already nice, I 
just did some conceptually nitpicking. ;-)


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