[LLVMdev] mblaze backend: unreachable executed

Josef Spjut sjosef at cs.utah.edu
Thu Mar 24 12:59:36 PDT 2011

Okay, I've done a lot more testing and I now have a .bc file that compiles for x86, sparc, mips but refuses to compile for the mblaze and powerPC backends because of the calling convention. Is there anyone that would know how to fix the microblaze calling convention or point me in the right direction on how to fix it? 

The lines in the .bc that I believe to be causing the problem are the following:

%196 = call %0 @_Z13gatherDiffuseRK3vecS_S1_RKfS3_Pii(%struct.vec* %normal, double %tmp629, float %174, %struct.vec* %light_position, float* %nohit, float* %epsilon, i32* %66, i32 %5) nounwind


define linkonce_odr %0 @_Z13gatherDiffuseRK3vecS_S1_RKfS3_Pii(%struct.vec* nocapture %normal, double %hit_point.0, float %hit_point.1, %struct.vec* nocapture %light_position, float* nocapture %nohit, float* nocapture %epsilon, i32* nocapture %stack, i32 %start_bvh) nounwind inlinehint ssp {

which then goes into the body of the function.


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