[LLVMdev] Confusion over ISelLowering of setcc

Dan Bailey drb at dneg.com
Fri Apr 15 09:25:35 PDT 2011


I'm investigating an issue with the PTX backend I've come across (latest 
version from the trunk). Not being very familiar with Selection Dags, 
it's highly likely that I misunderstand some part of the process. I'd 
appreciate if someone can point me in the right direction.

Here's the LLVM IR that is causing problems (I'm aware this code doesn't 
do anything useful):

define ptx_device i32 @test(i32 %parameter) {
  %0 = icmp eq i32 %parameter, 0
  %1 = and i1 %0, 1
  %2 = and i1 %0, %1
  %3 = and i1 %0, %1
  br i1 %3, label %then, label %else

then:                                             ; preds = %entry
  ret i32 1

else:                                             ; preds = %entry
  ret i32 2

Run like this:

llvm-as test.ll -o test.bc
llc -march=ptx -relocation-model=pic -mattr=sm20 -mattr=ptx22 
-mattr=64bit -mattr=double test.bc -o test.ptx

My first question would be why does it evaluate the entry basicblock 
twice (BB#0, BB#3), is this to do with predicated branching?

If I run this through llc with the -debug=1 flag (or by viewing the 
graphs), I get this in the initial selection dag:

        0x3451240: i1,ch = CopyFromReg 0x34341a8, 0x3451640
        0x3451340: i1 = Constant<-1>
      0x3451a40: i1 = xor 0x3451240, 0x3451340
      0x3451540: ch = BasicBlock<else 0x344c230>
    0x3451140: ch = brcond 0x34341a8, 0x3451a40, 0x3451540

This then gets lowered to this:

        0x3741240: i1,ch = CopyFromReg 0x37241a8, 0x3741640
        0x3741340: i1 = Constant<-1>
        0x3741940: ch = setne
      0x3741740: i1 = setcc 0x3741240, 0x3741340, 0x3741940
      0x3741540: ch = BasicBlock<else 0x373c230>
    0x3741140: ch = brcond 0x37241a8, 0x3741740, 0x3741540

And finally gets optimised to this:

        0x3741240: i1,ch = CopyFromReg 0x37241a8, 0x3741640 [ID=6]
        0x3741340: i1 = Constant<-1> [ID=2]
        0x3741940: ch = setne
      0x3741740: i64 = setcc 0x3741240, 0x3741340, 0x3741940
      0x3741540: ch = BasicBlock<else 0x373c230> [ID=3]
    0x3741140: ch = brcond 0x37241a8, 0x3741740, 0x3741540 [ID=8]

Which is invalid as setcc should always return an i1 type. I'm unsure as 
to whether this is coming from the -1 constant turning the setcc into an 
i64, or just the ISelLowering being set up incorrectly. 
http://llvm.org/docs/CodeGenerator.html#targetlowering does indicate 
that the return type of setcc operations should be specified in this 
class, though I'm not sure how this should be done.

Any help would be appreciated, (I've read through much of the docs but 
I'm still unsure).


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