[LLVMdev] run into a problem with a version of GCC not listed here

017667932270 jurij at o2online.de
Mon Oct 18 07:57:02 PDT 2010

dear LLVM developer team,

referring to your notes on the web-page:

i like to report, some problems with LLVM:

problem I:
on my linux machine (RHEL 4.8 ) the compilation of the LLVM compiler suit works, but
if i start to compile my C source code with clang and llc, the compiler  (llc) abort with: Segmentation fault

0  llc 0x0883b510
Stack dump:
0.      Program arguments: /appl/c_compiler/xpic/llvm-2.7/bin/llc -O2 -f -march=xpic new_main.bc -o new_main.s
1.      Running pass 'xpic DAG->DAG Pattern Instruction Selection' on function '@fib_recursive'
make[1]: *** [new_main.s] Segmentation fault

question:  what does that mean?
how i can get more error information?

- i compiled the LLVM tools with
gcc (GCC) 3.4.6 20060404 (Red Hat 3.4.6-11)
gcc (GCC) 4.2.1 (Based on Apple Inc. build 5649)

on a 32bit Intel CPU with Red Hat linux RHEL 4.8
the results are the same!

problem II:
i also try to compile the LLVM tools with GCC 4.5.0 on a RHEL 4.8 machine
the compilation about with the message:

llvm[3]: Compiling xpicDelaySlotFiller.cpp for Release build
/local/build/llvm/xpic_tools_src/llvm/lib/Target/xpic/xpicDelaySlotFiller.cpp: In member function âbool<unname d>::Filler::isDataDependence(llvm::MachineInstr&)â:
/local/build/llvm/xpic_tools_src/llvm/lib/Target/xpic/xpicDelaySlotFiller.cpp:149:77: error: âprintfâ was no t declared in this scope
/bin/rm: cannot remove `/local/build/llvm/xpic_tools_src/llvm-objects/lib/Target/xpic/Release/xpicDelaySlotFille r.d.tmp': No such file or directory
make[3]: *** [/local/build/llvm/xpic_tools_src/llvm-objects/lib/Target/xpic/Release/xpicDelaySlotFiller.o] Error 

question:  what does that mean?

some good news:
i successfully build the LLVM project on a 32bit  RHEL 5.5 machine
using gcc version:
gcc (GCC) 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-48)

best regards

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