[LLVMdev] Converting C++ to Java

Shaun Southern shaun at team3games.com
Tue Nov 16 01:06:41 PST 2010



We want to use our existing engine sourcecode to build Java applications.
Our core engine is written in C/C++ and has hooks to platform specific
functions which we have filled in for lots of platforms so far, PC, DS, PS2,
PSP, XBOX, IPHONE etc. All of which can use C/C++ as their compiler. However
now we want to target Android platforms, so we are looking into converting
the main body of code automatically into Java. This means as we add code to
the main engine, we don't have to keep adding Java code - w would like to
just convert it automatically. We have looked at converter software, but
even the "best" won't touch pointer arithmetic. We don't use this
excessively, but certain parts of the engine do use it for streaming data,
building variable length lists, etc, and we also have internal memory
allocation code which "grabs" a large area of memory at the start, then
casts parts of it to all sorts of different structures.


Is it going to be possible to use LLVM to convert our platform agnostic
engine code to Java, then link in the "hook" functions entirely written in
Java. These functions do things such as "read data from file", "play sound
effect", "draw triangle".



Thanks, looking forward to your replies !



Shaun Southern

Team 3 Games Ltd






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