[LLVMdev] TTA-Based Codesign Environment (TCE) v1.3 released

Pekka Jääskeläinen pekka.jaaskelainen at tut.fi
Wed Nov 10 09:53:13 PST 2010

TTA-Based Codesign Environment (TCE) v1.3 released

TTA-Based Codesign Environment (TCE) is a toolset for designing
application-specific processors (ASP) based on the Transport Triggered
Architecture (TTA). The toolset provides a complete retargetable
codesign flow from C programs down to synthesizable VHDL and parallel
program binaries. Processor customization points include the register
files, function units, supported operations, and the interconnection

Notable new features
- Support for LLVM 2.8 (support for LLVM 2.7 retained)
- ttasim: call info (setting profile_transfer_tracking) and the
   instruction profile (ttasim setting profile_data_saving) are now
   saved to separate pure text files to speed up simulation when these
   traces are enabled.
- ttasim: instruction profile can be converted to cachegrind-compatible
   traces which can be visualized with kcachegrind.
- SystemC integration: Possibility to add TTA simulation models to
   system level simulations with the ability to override the operation
   pipeline simulation models for the function units.
- Improved the scheduling for unconnected machines through temporary
   register copies based on the maze algorithm for ASIC place & route.
   Not restricted to maximum of two copies anymore.
- Basic support for debugging info when compiled with 'tcecc -g'.
   The source code line numbers are displayed as comments in 'tcedisasm'
   output and ttasim's disassembly.
- Platform Integration support is improved. New integrator components
   include AvalonIntegrator which can be used to integrate TTA to a
   Altera SOPC Builder component and KoskiIntegrator which can be used
   to integrate TTA processor to Koski toolset compatible IP blocks with
   IP-XACT 1.2 component description file.

Thanks to Fabio Garzia and Andy Lam who contributed their first patches
to this release!


TCE home page:     http://tce.cs.tut.fi
This announcement: http://tce.cs.tut.fi/downloads/ANNOUNCEMENT
Download:          http://tce.cs.tut.fi/downloads
Change log:        http://tce.cs.tut.fi/downloads/CHANGES


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