[LLVMdev] Forcing the Interpreter segfaults

OvermindDL1 overminddl1 at gmail.com
Tue Nov 2 22:07:06 PDT 2010

On Tue, Nov 2, 2010 at 3:36 PM, Salomon Brys <salomon.brys at gmail.com> wrote:
> In my case, I am working on a posix regular expression library that uses
> LLVM to execute a regular expression.
> Each regular expression is a very small sets of code and is faster to
> interpret than to JIT then execute.
> I wanted to JIT only when the regular expression is executed more than 20
> times.
> The benchmarks I have run show that my library is amzingly fast to execute a
> regular expression (thanks to LLVM) but amzingly slow to compile in JIT.
> I need the interpreter to provide a way to execute a regular expression
> without JITing it, which would be much slower BUT will result in a faster
> execution IF the regular expression is used only two or three times.
> So, is there no way now to execute a LLVM bitcode *without* JITing ?

If you want to submit patches to update the Interpreter to work with
the modern code, it would certainly be liked, but the Interpreter was
*slow*, it was designed for correctness while the JIT was being
created, not speed.

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