[LLVMdev] Combining Branch Statements - Missing Optimization Pass?

Curtis Faith curtis at curtisfaith.com
Fri May 28 06:35:08 PDT 2010

I have some LLVM IR after the optimization passes defined in createStandardModulePasses with the optimization level set to 3. It contains what appears to me to be an easily optimizable branch statement.

In particular, note in the code below that at the end of the "loop" BasicBlock that there is a conditional branch where in the false case, it branches to the label "%loop.endif_crit_edge", this label contains only the single statement "br label %endif", Therefore, the conditional branch could simply branch directly to the "%endif" label in one step instead of taking the two steps it currently does. I have bolded the relevant code below which starts 13 lines into the routine.

It appears that the BasicBlock "%loop.endif_crit_edge" was created by one of the optimization passes which also created the phi node at the beginning of the "%endif" block. In this particular case, the phi node could just as easily be using "%loop" as the predecessor. So it appears that the "%loop.endif_crit_edge" block and associated branch statement is completely unnecessary.

Am I missing something here?

Is there an optimization pass that I should add which should handle this case?

Finally, I want to look at the machine code to see if perhaps this sort of thing is handled by the optimization passes during machine code emission but I can't figure out how to easily print out the machine code. Is there an easy way to add a createMachineFunctionPrinterPass pass to the ExecutionEngine's JIT so that it will print out the machine code after all the optimizations have been done and the code has been generated for MachineCodeEmission?

Thank you in advance,


define void @main() nounwind {
  br label %loop

loop:                                             ; preds = %bb.nph, %endif15
  %lsr.iv = phi i32 [ 1, %bb.nph ], [ %lsr.iv.next, %endif15 ] ; <i32> [#uses=4]
  %fp = sitofp i32 %lsr.iv to double              ; <double> [#uses=1]
  %r_fmul = fmul double %fp, 3.151900e+00         ; <double> [#uses=1]
  %r_fadd = fadd double %r_fmul, 2.800000e+00     ; <double> [#uses=1]
  %r_fmul5 = fmul double %r_fadd, 5.320000e+00    ; <double> [#uses=2]
  %r_srem = srem i32 %lsr.iv, 17                  ; <i32> [#uses=1]
  %r_icmpeq = icmp eq i32 %r_srem, 1              ; <i1> [#uses=1]
  br i1 %r_icmpeq, label %then, label %loop.endif_crit_edge

loop.endif_crit_edge:                             ; preds = %loop
  br label %endif

then:                                             ; preds = %loop
  %r_fmul8 = fmul double %r_fmul5, 1.000000e+02   ; <double> [#uses=1]
  br label %endif

endif:                                            ; preds = %loop.endif_crit_edge, %then
  %anotherFloat.1 = phi double [ %r_fmul8, %then ], [ %r_fmul5, %loop.endif_crit_edge ] ; <double> [#uses=1]
  %r_srem10 = srem i32 %lsr.iv, 16                ; <i32> [#uses=2]
  %r_icmpsgt = icmp sgt i32 %r_srem10, 10         ; <i1> [#uses=1]
  br i1 %r_icmpsgt, label %then11, label %endif.endif15_crit_edge

endif.endif15_crit_edge:                          ; preds = %endif
  br label %endif15

then11:                                           ; preds = %endif
  %phitmp = sitofp i32 %r_srem10 to double        ; <double> [#uses=1]
  br label %endif15

endif15:                                          ; preds = %endif.endif15_crit_edge, %then11
  %storemerge26 = phi double [ %phitmp, %then11 ], [ 1.000000e+01, %endif.endif15_crit_edge ] ; <double> [#uses=1]
  %lsr.iv.next = add i32 %lsr.iv, 1               ; <i32> [#uses=2]
  %exitcond = icmp eq i32 %lsr.iv.next, 10001     ; <i1> [#uses=1]
  br i1 %exitcond, label %afterloop, label %loop

afterloop:                                        ; preds = %endif15
  %r_fadd19 = fadd double %anotherFloat.1, %storemerge26 ; <double> [#uses=1]
  %phitmp32 = fcmp ogt double %r_fadd19, 3.535200e+03 ; <i1> [#uses=1]
  %storemerge27 = zext i1 %phitmp32 to i32        ; <i32> [#uses=1]
  store i32 %storemerge27, i32* @testSuccessful
  ret void

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