[LLVMdev] Help with building LLVM 2.6 GCC

Duncan Sands baldrick at free.fr
Tue Mar 16 23:17:56 PDT 2010

Hi Eliseu,

> 2. I've unpacked llvm-gcc-4.2-2.6.source.tar.gz under the llvm-gcc
> directory. I've also created two subdirectories
> called "install" and "obj" under the same llvm-gcc.
> 3. Then I did the following, based on README.LLVM :
> %setenv LLVMOBJDIR /home/eliseuf/llvm/llvm-gcc/obj

first you need to build llvm itself.  LLVMOBJDIR points to where you
built llvm, not where you are planning to build llvm-gcc.



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