[LLVMdev] updated code size comparison

Török Edwin edwintorok at gmail.com
Wed Jan 20 11:17:11 PST 2010

On 01/20/2010 05:54 PM, John Regehr wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I've posted an updated code size comparison between LLVM, GCC, and 
> others here:
>    http://embed.cs.utah.edu/embarrassing/
> New in this version:
> - much larger collection of harvested functions: more than 360,000
> - bug fixes and UI improvements
> - added the x86 Open64 compiler


Could you also add a main() for each of these files, and do
a very simple test that the optimized functions actually work?
At least for functions that take only integers and return integers this
could be automated
if you compare -O0 output with the optimized outputs.

The neon_helper.c testcase is clearly misoptimized by gcc-head here:

Try calling it like this:
int main()
    printf("%d\n", helper_neon_rshl_s8(0x12345, 15));
    return 0;

Prints 74496 here, and not 0 (gcc-head optimized it to a function
returning 0).

Best regards,

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