[LLVMdev] jit X86 target compilation callback bug

Kristaps Straupe kstraupe at gmail.com
Wed Feb 3 03:08:36 PST 2010

Hello again.

I still think that you are wrong. Realignement with and esp,-16 not
always changes stack poiner. If esp is already aligned to 16 byte
boundary, it will not change! Take a look at following example.
Assume esp has value 0x000001000 at start of X86CompilationCallback
function. Then execution of it will yield following esp values:

0x000000FFC - after push ebp
0x000000FFC - after mov ebp, esp
0x000000FF8 - after push eax
0x000000FF4 - after push edx // edx is pushed to address 0x000000FF4
0x000000FF0 - after push ecx // ecx is pushed to address 0x000000FF0
0x000000FF0 - after and esp, -16 // not changed!!!!

now next three instructions will corrupt pushed ecx and edx registers:

mov   eax, dword ptr [ebp+4]
mov   dword ptr [esp+4], eax
mov   dword ptr [esp], ebp

because [esp+4] - this is where pushed edx resides (0x000000FF0+4 = 0x000000FF4)
and [esp] is where pushed ecx resides (0x000000FF0)

instead of "and esp,-16" there would be "sub esp,8" then in stack
there would be 8 bytes free to use (with [esp] and [esp+4]).

> What is "this" function?

By this I meant X86CompilationCallback function.

We are using 2.6 version. But same problem is in trunk also.


On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 7:12 PM, Anton Korobeynikov
<anton at korobeynikov.info> wrote:
> Hello
>> We are running llvm jit x86 on MS Visual Studio 2005. It seems there
>> is a bug in asm code in function X86CompilationCallback in file
>> X86JITInfo.cpp. Current code sets stack pointer to invalid value in
>> instruction "and   esp,  16". Depending on current stack pointer value
>> it sometimes overwrites ecx and edx registers with next three lines.
> How so? The stack grows downwards, thus this realignment just equivalent
> to "sub esp, some_value" with some_value being less than 16.
> We don't use register save area inside the compilation callback,
> however, since we're generating stubs "by hands".
>> We have fixed this problem by changing this instruction to "sub  esp,
>> 8" (8 because this function needs 2 temp 32bit variables).
> What is "this" function?
> --
> With best regards, Anton Korobeynikov
> Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics, Saint Petersburg State University

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