[LLVMdev] Should LLVM JIT default to lazy or non-lazy?

Török Edwin edwintorok at gmail.com
Fri Oct 30 02:15:58 PDT 2009

On 2009-10-29 23:55, Jeffrey Yasskin wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 2:30 PM, Nicolas Geoffray
> <nicolas.geoffray at lip6.fr> wrote:
>> Hi Jeffrey,
>> Jeffrey Yasskin wrote:
>>> Cool, I'll start implementing it.
>> Great! Thanks.
>> Just to clarify things: on my end, it doesn't really matter what is the
>> default behavior, as long as vmkit can continue to have the existing
>> behavior of lazy compilation. With Chris' solution, I was wondering how you
>> would implement the getPointerToFunction{Eager, Lazy} functions when the
>> getPointerToFunction is called by the JIT, not the user. For example, when
>> Function F calls Function G and the JIT needs an address for G (either a
>> callback or the function address), how will it know if it must call
>> getPointerToFunctionEager or getPointerToFunctionLazy? Do you plan on
>> continuing having a flag that enables/disables lazy compilation and poll
>> this flag on each function call? How is that different than the existing
>> system?
> Semantically, I'll thread the flag through all the calls that may
> eventually need to recursively call getPointerToFunction. To implement
> that without having to modify lots of calls, I'll probably replace the
> current public default eager/lazy setting with a private flag with
> values {Unknown, Lazy, Eager}, set it on entry and exit of
> getPointerToFunction, and check it on each internal recursive call.
> The difference with the current system is that the user is forced to
> set the flag to their desired value whenever they call into the JIT,
> rather than relying on a default. That choice then propagates through
> the whole recursive tree of codegens, without affecting the next tree.
> Note that I'm using getPointerToFunction as an abbreviation for the
> 3ish public functions that'll need to take this option.

The documentation should also be updated
(http://llvm.org/docs/ProgrammersManual.html#threading) to reflect what
one needs to do,
to ensure thread-safe JITing.

Also does every JIT target support non-lazy JITing now?  See PR4816,
last time I checked (r83242) it only worked on X86, and failed on PPC;
so I had to keep lazy JITing enabled even if its not what I want for
many reasons.

Also perhaps the lazy compilation stub should spin waiting on a lock
(implemented using atomics), and the compilation callback should
execute while holding the lock just before patching the callsite, so it
would look like this in pseudocode:

callsite_patch_state = 0;// for each callsite one byte of memory

if  (atomic_load(&callsite_patch_state) == 2) {
      //fast-path: already compiled and patched
       jmp <nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop> // will be patched
// not yet patched, it may already be compiling
if  (atomic_test_and_set(&callsite_patch_state, 0, 1) == 0) {
      // not yet compiling, set state to compiling, and start compiling
      call CompilationCallBack
      // set state to patched
      atomic_set(&callsite_patch_state, 2)
// wait for patched state
while (atomic_load(&callsite_patch_state) != 2) {
// serialize
// execute new code
jmp <nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop> // will be patched


^This should be consistent with the Intel Manual's requirements on XMC,
which has a similar algorithm, except for the fast-path.

        if (isJITed(F)) {jitUnlock(); return;}
        JIT function

        patch_callsite(&patchsite, compiledFunctionAddress);
        patch_callsite(&patchsite2, compiledFunctionAddress);
        setJITed(F, true);

This way once it is compiled the callsite will only execute:
    == 2
    jmp compiledFunctionAddress

Best regards,

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