[LLVMdev] llvm-gcc-4.2 vs gcc 4.2.4

Jack Howarth howarth at bromo.med.uc.edu
Fri Jan 23 15:45:45 PST 2009

Here are the results from current llvm/llvm-gcc-4.2 svn and
gcc 4.2.4 for the Polyhedron 2005 benchmarks under MacOS X
10.5.6 on a MacPro.

              Ave Run (secs)      Ave Run (secs)     llvm-gcc-4.2/
Benchmark     llvm-gcc-4.2 svn    gcc 4.2.4          gcc 4.2.4
ac            15.01               15.32              0.980 
aermod        15.96               22.96              0.695  
air           8.25                8.15               1.012 
capaccita     51.41               52.16              0.986 
channel       3.32                5.17               0.642 
doduc         34.06               34.43              0.989 
fatigue       12.80               12.57              1.018 
gas_dyn       16.45               13.59              1.210
induct        26.70               28.61              0.933 
linpk         15.40               15.46              0.996 
mdbx          14.19               12.41              1.143 
nf            29.01               27.08              1.071 
protein       45.03               41.61              1.082
rnflow        39.67               35.37              1.122 
test_fpu      14.03               11.94              1.172 
tfft          2.19                2.13               1.028 

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