[LLVMdev] [PATCH] Circular Buffered Debug Stream

David Greene dag at cray.com
Tue Dec 15 13:21:22 PST 2009

This is the patch to provide dbgs(), an optionally circular-buffering
debug stream.  The idea is to buffer debug output and print the last
N bytes of output, where N is specified via a command-line switch
-debug-buffer-size.  This is useful when compiling very large codes
where one is only interested in the last few thousand lines (or so) of
debug output, just before some failure.

This patch is for discussion purposes.  I will phase in the patch in
small chunks.  In fact this patch doesn't even show all of the places
that need to change, just the places we changed in LLVM 2.5.  This posting 
gives the general idea of what things will look like when the conversion
process is complete.

Please review and let me know what needs to change before I start
merging stuff in.


-------------- next part --------------
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