[LLVMdev] llvm-gcc-4.2-2.5 fails to build from source on arm: - ARM buildbot are installed.

Xerxes Rånby xerxes at zafena.se
Fri Aug 28 02:09:57 PDT 2009

Mike Stump skrev:
> On Aug 27, 2009, at 2:20 PM, Xerxes Rånby wrote:
>> I have recently set-up and installed a ARM buildbot
> Wonderful.  It would be helpful to write up a bug report for the bits
> that don't work, and then to XFAIL them, so that the bot turns green. 
> People watch mainly for the green to red transitions, and having it
> forever be red (orange) isn't as useful.
Best would of course bee to fix the tests rather than hiding the
failures but adding XFAIL after bugreports are files and on bugs that
cant easily be fixed seems like a good idea in the long run.

Today I and Dunbar detected a large regression in the ARM JIT between 
2009-07-08 rev 74992 and 2009-07-10 rev 75243 that might reduce about 20
of the failing tests if fixed.

I will look if i can change the storage on the buildbot from NFS to a
attach a usb harddrive, this will hopefully solve the

make[2]: warning:  Clock skew detected.

warnings that are caused by different clock times on the buildbot and
the NFS server and hopefully will change all compiles from orange to green.


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