[LLVMdev] Prevent a intrinsic to be reordered?

Andrew Lenharth andrewl at lenharth.org
Mon Sep 15 06:12:03 PDT 2008

On Sun, Sep 14, 2008 at 12:52 PM, Julio <julio.martin.hidalgo at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello, I have an intrinsic that matches to a asm instruction directly. This
> intrinsic starts a coprocessor that can do anything.
> If I put another instruction next to it (a multiplication for example), the
> "llc" reorders and puts the intrinsic after the multiplication.
> I have tried all:
>  - Setting the instruction like if it takes 256 cycles or 0 cycles.
>  - Setting the instruction with "hasSideEffects" (which is ignored I think)
>  - Setting the instruction as a load, branch, call, etc....
>  - ....
> These later things are ignored, I don't know if when the intrinsic is
> lowered, then it doesn't matter (or perhaps the reorder is made before).
> Any clues?

Does your instruction have a flag output?


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