[LLVMdev] Proposal for GSoC project for improving llvm-test testsuite

Holger Schurig hs4233 at mail.mn-solutions.de
Wed Mar 19 13:09:26 PDT 2008

> "Didn't work" means... what? Compilation failed? Program doesn't work?
> Either way: what mesages do you get?

The graphical screen was just blank. darkplaces emits some log messages as usual. But step by step...

The used llvm-gcc, when run with "llmv-gcc --version" shows "llvm-gcc (GCC) 4.2.1 (Based on Apple Inc. build 5546) (LLVM build 47212)". 

So it has been a month ago when I did this test.

I'm building llvm and llvm-gcc with the attached Makefile. There you can see what I'm using for configure, but I guess that's nothing too fancy.

Used Darkplaces
I'm used darkplaces from SVN. Not sure what SVN revision it was a month ago, but the same problem happens with the current one. To get exactly the same engine source code that I currently have, do

  $ svn co -r8212 svn://svn.icculus.org/twilight/trunk/darkplaces

Now apply the following attached "llvm.patch" to it. The patch changes:

* DO_CC to be "llvm-gcc --emit-llvm"
* DO_LD to be "llvm-ld -O2 -native -time-passes"
* CPUOPTIMIZATIONS=-march=athlon
* don't compile builddate.c on-the-fly at link time, because
  llvm-ld can't do that
* don't set LDFLAGS_RELEASE to be the same as the compiler
  optimization flags

Now do "make cl-release" and you should get an executable named "darkplaces-glx".

Used Nexuiz data files
Finally you need the nexuiz data files. They are rather huge, a whopping 363 MB. Get them like this from http://mesh.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/nexuiz/nexuiz-24.zip. Extract it, e.g. with "unzip -x nexuiz-24.zip"

Run the whole thing
I call the engine this way:

  $ ./darkplaces-glx \
      -basedir /usr/src/darkplaces/Nexuiz

"-window" makes the program not use fullscreen, then you can still see the log output. "-developer" turns additional messages and warnings on. "-nexuiz" switches the engine into nexuiz mode, the mode must suit the data files. And for "-basedir" add the full path to the data files you downloaded and extract.

Once started, the game will emit lot's of log output:

  Console initialized.
  Nexuiz Linux 20:12:44 Mar 19 2008
  Trying to load library... "libz.so.1" - loaded.
  Client using an automatically assigned port
  Client opened a socket on address local:2
  Client opened a socket on address

Besides the log output to stdout, it also opens a graphical window. Then the engine should display a graphical, stylized "n" shortly before it emits the "Initialized" line. And this is the first difference between the llvm-gcc darkplaces-glx and the gcc-4.2 darkplaces. Later it should show another uglier "n", then three screens where you can use the mouse to select things.

However, with the llvm-gcc version I just see a dark screen. And here it hangs and eat's CPU time. I must admit that I was too lazy to simply run the program under gdb's auspice and interrupt/backtrace it :-/

Used gcc-4.2 darkplace engine
To get a working engine from SVN, I keep the makefile/makefile.inc in it's (almost) original form and just make sure that


Now I also compile with "make cl-release". The used compiler show fors "gcc-4.2 --version" the text "gcc-4.2 (GCC) 4.2.3 (Debian 4.2.3-2)".

With this version, there is a graphical output, a stylized n, displayed even before the line "========Initialized=========" appears in the log.

The gcc-compiled one emits some more messages to log:

  Client using an automatically assigned port
  Client opened a socket on address local:2
  Client opened a socket on address
  Map farewell provides unknown info item author_email, ignored
  Map farewell provides unknown info item author_www, ignored
  Map warfare provides unknown info item author_email, ignored
  Map warfare provides unknown info item author_www, ignored
  Attempted division by zero in menu
  Attempted division by zero in menu
  Attempted division by zero in menu
  Attempted division by zero in menu
  ln: 5 iterations
  Sending extended response requests...
  Fake CD track 1 playing...

At this time, I see the game menu and can select any options.
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