[LLVMdev] Global variable-length array

Talin viridia at gmail.com
Sat Apr 19 21:29:17 PDT 2008

Chris Lattner wrote:
> On Apr 19, 2008, at 7:45 PM, Talin wrote:
>> Question about "Pascal-style" arrays as mentioned in the reference  
>> guide.
>> Suppose I have a global variable which points to a constant, variable
>> length array.
>> The question is, how can I assign an array of type "{ i32, [5 x  
>> float]}"
>> to a global of type "{ i32, [0 x float]}"? From my experimentation, it
>> appears you can't bitcast or call GEP on a constant aggregate - the  
>> only
>> I know of to get the address of a constant is to create a global,  
>> but I
>> need the address to create the global.
>> The only way that I can think of to do it is to have two globals - an
>> anonymous global which is of the same type as the actual array  
>> constant,
>> and a second global which is assigned the bitcast of the GEP of the
>> first global. However, this seems overly complicated - is there an
>> easier way to do it?
> Do you mean something like this:
> struct foo {
>    int x;
>    char c[];
> };
> struct foo F = { 4, {3, 2, 1, 0 }};
> struct foo *G = &F;
> $ llvm-gcc t.c -S -o - -emit-llvm
> 	%struct.foo = type { i32, [0 x i8] }
> @F = global { i32, [4 x i8] } { i32 4, [4 x i8] c"\03\02\01\00" }		;  
> <{ i32, [4 x i8] }*> [#uses=1]
> @G = global %struct.foo* bitcast ({ i32, [4 x i8] }* @F to %struct.foo*)
> ?
Sort of. The example above presumes C semantics and type restrictions - 
I'm more interested in what's possible in the IR language.

Let me explain a bit more about the use case I am thinking of. Imagine 
I'm writing something like a Java or C# interpreter, where ever object's 
first member is a pointer to a TypeInfoBlock (TIB). The TIB has a fixed 
length header struct, followed by a variable-length vtable.

Part of the process of instantiating a new object consists of filling in 
the newly-allocated object's TIB pointer. For that reason, we want to 
declare the TIB as a global variable. Moreover, we'd like all TIBs to be 
the same type. One reason for this is that the TIB might be referred by 
another module, one that doesn't know how large the vtable is. So when 
importing the definition of the TIB as a GlobalVariable, we'd like to be 
able to declare it as a standard TIB type, rather than the actual TIB 
initializer type which may have an arbitrary number of vtable entries.

So in other words, we need the declared type of the TIB to be different 
than the type of it's initializer. Since you can't put a bitcast 
in-between the global and its initializer, the only way that I can think 
of to do this is to declare two globals, one for the externally visible 
type, and one for the initializer type.
> -Chris
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