[LLVMdev] llvm-ld optimization options

Holger Schurig hs4233 at mail.mn-solutions.de
Fri Apr 18 02:54:35 PDT 2008

> There should be no difference between using llvm-gcc at some -O
> level, and running it at -O0 and using opt to run the passes on
> the unoptimized bitcode.

However, you wrote earlier:

> Finally, llvm-gcc runs the following passes on each function
> immediately after it is created:
> CFGSimplification, PromoteMemoryToRegister,
> ScalarReplAggregates, InstructionCombining.

AFAIK this isn't something that opt can do.

Or are these passes run always by llvm-gcc, even with -O0 ?

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