[LLVMdev] Would it be possible to have the LLVM be seen as an arch for the kernel to compile against?

Xavian-Anderson Macpherson Shingoshi at comcast.net
Thu Mar 8 15:25:35 PST 2007

I posted this question on the llvm channel on irc. I am new to all of 
this. And I only found out about LLVA as a result of the irc. And please 
forgive my erroneous terminology. So let me try this as best I can.

I want to know if the code of LLVA/LLVM can be used as a virtual 
processor in configuring the linux kernel? Maybe you have already 
encountered this and possibly accomplished it as well. I want to use 
your ISA instead of say an i386 or AMD64. I only recently became aware 
of your project, so none of this may be new to you. Please be kind in 
your responses.

Thank you,
Xavian-Anderson Macpherson
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