Reid Spencer rspencer at reidspencer.com
Thu Jul 19 15:09:21 PDT 2007


With the pending reorganization of the software, I have some questions
about how developers set their PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH variables when
working with LLVM. This is a bit long winded, but bear with me.

We're planning to break the "llvm" module up into three modules:

      * support - lib/Support, lib/System, autoconf, make support,
      * core - VMCore, Asm, Bitcode and the essential IR tools (llvm-as,
      * opt (not sure that's the final name) - everything else:
        Analysis, Transforms, CodeGen, Target, etc

Additionally, there are new modules such as "hlvm", "cfe",
"llvm-gcc-4.2" and undoubtedly more to come in the future. 

We haven't decided the final architecture so don't quibble about what
goes in what module (yet). The point is, there will be several modules
instead of everything being in "llvm". With this situation we can no
longer just put llvm/Debug/bin in PATH and llvm/Debug/lib in
LD_LIBRARY_PATH and just have things work. Build products would be
places in the Debug/bin and Debug/lib directories for each module.

We'd like to better support multiple LLVM environments on a given
machine.  An environment being "a directory and the associated
environment variable settings to support software development". I
personally have worked this way for about a year now. It helps keep
various works in progress separated. Obviously, having multiple
environments requires a certain amount of bookkeeping to keep things
straight.  I use shell functions like "llvmco" and "llvmenv" to checkout
and switch to particular environments. The functions take care of the

However, even with only a single checkout (environment) of llvm
software, there are details to be taken care of. We would like to
support this better, but the question is how.

Here are some of the issues:
      * On some platforms you set SHLIB_PATH or SHOBJ_PATH, etc.
      * With more modules the PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH become long (one
        entry per module). Having every module's Debug/bin in PATH and
        Debug/lib in LD_LIBRARY_PATH gets hard to maintain when there's
        multiple environments. Furthermore, the paths need to change
        when you switch to a release or release+asserts or release
        +expensive_checks build.
      * There are inter-dependencies between modules which may affect
        the relative ordering of the PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH component
      * Building things can be affected because if you put the wrong
        directory in your LD_LIBRARY_PATH you can end up linking against
        libraries built by the compiler instead of your platform's
        native compiler, which will ultimately fail (very late too).
      * Having two llvm-gcc versions (4.0 and 4.2) in separate modules
        could lead to conflicts.
      * Upstream projects like hlvm and cfe will have several
        dependencies so getting the paths straight is important for
        successful building.  Additionally, users will have their own
        project directories, at the top of the food chain, which are
        dependent on everything.
      * We want to treat each module, as much as possible, as a separate
        entity (very loose coupling), but they are API locked anyway and
        we can't do much about that. The dependencies are real.
      * There are utilities that we want in the paths (like llvm/utils)
        as well as utilities like TableGen that might eventually be
        needed across projects (e.g. "core" would need TableGen for the
        intrinsic functions but the module containing the targets also
        needs it). 
      * Does every module need its own "llvm-config" program?
      * Some of us have multiple things going on at the same time and so
        work with multiple LLVM environments. For example, you could be
        working on an involved bug fix, your normal development work,
        quickie fixes, a branch for some side work, etc. In each of
        these cases you want a separate checkout and the associated
        environment variable settings for that directory. I call this an
        "environment". It is basically just a way to keep various works
        in progress separated. How can multiple environment be best

So, the question is .. what do you want to do about all this?

Here are some options to be discussed:

     1. Punt - Let each developer/user figure this out for the
     2. Install - That is, set your PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH to one
        place and "make install" the build results into that directory.
     3. Shell - Provide some shell functions and aliases to manage
        setting the environment   correctly. This could even use the
        ModuleInfo.txt file to glean dependencies. For example,the
        llvm-top module could have a "setenv.sh" scrip that is invoked
        with ". ./setenv.sh"to set the environment for whatever is
        checked out in that llvm-top. We'd need one for each type of
        shell and users would have to remember to run it.
     4. Other - got any other ideas?

I need help with #4 but I'm also looking for general feedback on solving the issues raised.


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